$self->meta->clone_object($self, @_);
+## Try and close Class::MOP::*
+Class::MOP::Package ->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+Class::MOP::Module ->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+Class::MOP::Class ->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+Class::MOP::Attribute->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+Class::MOP::Method ->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
+Class::MOP::Instance ->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0);
my $meta_instance = $self->associated_class->instance_metaclass;
my $code = eval 'sub {'
- . $meta_instance->inline_set_slot_value('$_[0]', $attr_name, '$_[1]') . ' if scalar(@_) == 2; '
- . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', $attr_name)
+ . $meta_instance->inline_set_slot_value('$_[0]', "'$attr_name'", '$_[1]') . ' if scalar(@_) == 2; '
+ . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', "'$attr_name'")
. '}';
confess "Could not generate inline accessor because : $@" if $@;
my $code = eval 'sub {'
. 'confess "Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor" if @_ > 1;'
- . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', $attr_name)
+ . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', "'$attr_name'")
. '}';
confess "Could not generate inline accessor because : $@" if $@;
my $meta_instance = $self->associated_class->instance_metaclass;
my $code = eval 'sub {'
- . $meta_instance->inline_set_slot_value('$_[0]', $attr_name, '$_[1]')
+ . $meta_instance->inline_set_slot_value('$_[0]', "'$attr_name'", '$_[1]')
. '}';
confess "Could not generate inline accessor because : $@" if $@;
my $meta_instance = $self->associated_class->instance_metaclass;
my $code = eval 'sub {'
- . 'defined ' . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', $attr_name) . ' ? 1 : 0'
+ . 'defined ' . $meta_instance->inline_get_slot_value('$_[0]', "'$attr_name'") . ' ? 1 : 0'
. '}';
confess "Could not generate inline accessor because : $@" if $@;
if (reftype($accessor)) {
(reftype($accessor) eq 'HASH')
|| confess "bad accessor/reader/writer/predicate format, must be a HASH ref";
- my ($name, $method) = each %{$accessor};
+ my ($name, $method) = %{$accessor};
return ($name, Class::MOP::Attribute::Accessor->wrap($method));
else {
sub make_metaclass_immutable {
my ($class, $metaclass, %options) = @_;
- $options{inline_accessors} ||= 1;
- $options{inline_constructor} ||= 1;
- $options{constructor_name} ||= 'new';
+ # NOTE:
+ # i really need the // (defined-or) operator here
+ $options{inline_accessors} = 1 unless exists $options{inline_accessors};
+ $options{inline_constructor} = 1 unless exists $options{inline_constructor};
+ $options{constructor_name} = 'new' unless exists $options{constructor_name};
+ $options{debug} = 0 unless exists $options{debug};
my $meta_instance = $metaclass->get_meta_instance;
$metaclass->{'___class_precedence_list'} = [ $metaclass->class_precedence_list ];
+=head2 Introspection and Construction
+=over 4
+=item B<make_metaclass_immutable>
+=over 4
+=item I<inline_accessors (Bool)>
+=item I<inline_constructor (Bool)>
+=item I<debug (Bool)>
+=item I<constructor_name (Str)>
+=item B<is_immutable>
+=item B<is_mutable>
+=item B<make_immutable>
=head2 Methods which will die if you touch them.
=over 4
-=head2 Introspection and Construction
-=over 4
-=item B<is_immutable>
-=item B<is_mutable>
-=item B<make_immutable>
-=item B<make_metaclass_immutable>
=head1 AUTHOR
Stevan Little E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>
my $class = shift;
my $code = shift;
('CODE' eq (reftype($code) || ''))
- || confess "You must supply a CODE reference to bless";
+ || confess "You must supply a CODE reference to bless, not (" . ($code || 'undef') . ")";
bless $code => blessed($class) || $class;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::More tests => 14;
'Class::MOP::Instance' => Class::MOP::Instance->meta,
+ok($_->is_immutable(), '... ' . $_->name . ' is immutable') for values %METAS;
{ Class::MOP::Class->get_all_metaclasses },