should be a "For pumpkings only: Send a CC" tickbox. If not, ask Andreas
König to add your ID to the list of people allowed to upload something
called perl. You can find Andreas' email address at:
=item CPAN mirror
If you have a local CPAN mirror, run:
- $ perl -Ilib Porting/ ~/my-cpan-mirror
+ $ make perl
+ $ ./perl -Ilib Porting/ ~/my-cpan-mirror
Otherwise, run:
- $ perl -Ilib Porting/ cpan
+ $ make perl
+ $ ./perl -Ilib Porting/ cpan
This will chug for a while. Assuming all goes well, it will
- update lib/Module/
+update lib/Module/
Check that file over carefully:
If this is a final release (rather than a release candidate):
- Update this version's entry in the C<%released> hash with today's date.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Update this version's entry in the C<%released> hash with today's date.
+=item *
+Make sure that the script has correctly updated the C<CAVEATS> section
Finally, commit the new version of Module::CoreList: