This will create a basic subtype for a given set of strings.
The resulting constraint will be a subtype of C<Str> and
-will match any of the items in C<@values>. See the L<SYNOPSIS>
-for a simple example.
+will match any of the items in C<@values>. It is case sensitive.
+See the L<SYNOPSIS> for a simple example.
B<NOTE:> This is not a true proper enum type, it is simple
a convient constraint builder.
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 97;
+use Test::More;
use Scalar::Util ();
- use_ok('Moose::Util::TypeConstraints');
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
enum Letter => 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z';
enum Language => 'Perl 5', 'Perl 6', 'PASM', 'PIR'; # any others? ;)
push @invalid_letters, qw/l33t st3v4n 3num/;
my @valid_languages = ('Perl 5', 'Perl 6', 'PASM', 'PIR');
-my @invalid_languages = ('Python', 'Ruby', 'Perl 666', 'PASM++');
+my @invalid_languages = ('perl 5', 'Python', 'Ruby', 'Perl 666', 'PASM++');
+# note that "perl 5" is invalid because case now matters
my @valid_metacharacters = (qw/* + ? . | ( ) [ ] /, '\\');
my @invalid_metacharacters = qw/< > & % $ @ ! ~ `/;
push @invalid_metacharacters, qw/.* fish(sticks)? atreides/;
push @invalid_metacharacters, '^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$';
+plan tests => @valid_letters + @invalid_letters
+ + @valid_languages + @invalid_languages
+ + @valid_metacharacters + @invalid_metacharacters;
ok(Letter($_), "'$_' is a letter") for @valid_letters;