our $VERSION = '1.008001'; # 1.8.1
-our @KNOWN_FLAGS = qw(--self-contained);
+our @KNOWN_FLAGS = qw(--self-contained --deactivate);
sub import {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
$arg_store{path} = $class->resolve_path($arg_store{path});
- $class->setup_local_lib_for($arg_store{path});
+ $class->setup_local_lib_for($arg_store{path}, $arg_store{deactivate} || 0);
for (@INC) { # Untaint @INC
next if ref; # Skip entry if it is an ARRAY, CODE, blessed, etc.
sub setup_local_lib_for {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- $path = $class->ensure_dir_structure_for($path);
+ my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
+ $path = $class->ensure_dir_structure_for($path) unless $deactivating;
if ($0 eq '-') {
- $class->print_environment_vars_for($path);
+ $class->print_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating);
exit 0;
} else {
- $class->setup_env_hash_for($path);
+ $class->setup_env_hash_for($path, $deactivating);
@INC = _uniq(split($Config{path_sep}, $ENV{PERL5LIB}), @INC);
sub print_environment_vars_for {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- print $class->environment_vars_string_for($path);
+ my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
+ print $class->environment_vars_string_for($path, $deactivating);
sub environment_vars_string_for {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- my @envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, LITERAL_ENV);
+ my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
+ my @envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating, LITERAL_ENV);
my $out = '';
# rather basic csh detection, goes on the assumption that something won't
while (@envs) {
my ($name, $value) = (shift(@envs), shift(@envs));
- $value =~ s/(\\")/\\$1/g;
+ $value =~ s/(\\")/\\$1/g if defined $value;
$out .= $class->${\"build_${shelltype}_env_declaration"}($name, $value);
return $out;
sub build_bourne_env_declaration {
my $class = shift;
my($name, $value) = @_;
- return qq{export ${name}="${value}"\n};
+ return defined($value) ? qq{export ${name}="${value}";\n} : qq{unset ${name};\n};
sub build_csh_env_declaration {
my $class = shift;
my($name, $value) = @_;
- return qq{setenv ${name} "${value}"\n};
+ return defined($value) ? qq{setenv ${name} "${value}"\n} : qq{unsetenv ${name}\n};
sub build_win32_env_declaration {
my $class = shift;
my($name, $value) = @_;
- return qq{set ${name}=${value}\n};
+ return defined($value) ? qq{set ${name}=${value}\n} : qq{set ${name}=\n};
sub setup_env_hash_for {
- my ($class, $path) = @_;
- my %envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, INTERPOLATE_ENV);
+ my ($class, $path, $deactivating) = @_;
+ my %envs = $class->build_environment_vars_for($path, $deactivating, INTERPOLATE_ENV);
@ENV{keys %envs} = values %envs;
sub build_environment_vars_for {
+ my ($class, $path, $deactivating, $interpolate) = @_;
+ if ($deactivating) {
+ return $class->build_deactivate_environment_vars_for($path, $interpolate);
+ } else {
+ return $class->build_activate_environment_vars_for($path, $interpolate);
+ }
+sub build_activate_environment_vars_for {
my ($class, $path, $interpolate) = @_;
return (
PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT => join($Config{path_sep},
+sub build_deactivate_environment_vars_for {
+ my ($class, $path, $interpolate) = @_;
+ my @active_lls = split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT} || '';
+ if (!grep { $_ eq $path } @active_lls) {
+ warn "Tried to deactivate inactive local::lib '$path'\n";
+ return ();
+ }
+ my @new_ll_root = grep { $_ ne $path } @active_lls;
+ my @new_perl5lib = grep {
+ $_ ne $class->install_base_arch_path($path) &&
+ $_ ne $class->install_base_perl_path($path)
+ } split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PERL5LIB};
+ my %env = (
+ PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT => (@new_ll_root ?
+ join($Config{path_sep}, @new_ll_root) : undef
+ ),
+ PERL5LIB => (@new_perl5lib ?
+ join($Config{path_sep}, @new_perl5lib) : undef
+ ),
+ PATH => join($Config{path_sep},
+ grep { $_ ne $class->install_base_bin_path($path) }
+ split /\Q$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}
+ ),
+ );
+ # If removing ourselves from the "top of the stack", set install paths to
+ # correspond with the new top of stack.
+ if ($active_lls[-1] eq $path) {
+ if (@active_lls > 1) {
+ my $new_top = $active_lls[-2];
+ %env = (%env,
+ PERL_MB_OPT => "--install_base ${new_top}",
+ PERL_MM_OPT => "INSTALL_BASE=${new_top}",
+ );
+ } else {
+ %env = (%env,
+ PERL_MB_OPT => undef,
+ PERL_MM_OPT => undef,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return %env;
=begin testing
#:: test classmethod