# Add skips here
- eval { use Pod::Usage };
- if ( $@ ) {
- plan skip_all => "Pod::Usage must be installed to run these tests";
- }
+ my @failures;
+ eval { use Pod::Usage; }; push @failures, 'Pod::Usage' if $@;
+ eval { use IO::Scalar; }; push @failures, 'IO::Scalar' if $@;
+ if ( @failures ) {
+ my $missing = join ',', @failures;
+ plan skip_all => "'$missing' must be installed to run these tests";
+ }
plan tests => 109;
sub run_prog {
- #print "Launching '@_'\n";
- #XXX This needs to be made OS-portable
- open( my $fh, '-|', "@_ 2>&1" ) or die "Cannot launch '@_': $!\n";
- return join '', <$fh>;
+ #print "Launching '@_'\n";
+ #XXX This needs to be made OS-portable
+ open( my $fh, '-|', "@_ 2>&1" ) or die "Cannot launch '@_': $!\n";
+ return join '', <$fh>;
+# In 5.8, we could have used in-memory filehandles and done
+# open( my $fh, '>', \my $pod ) or die "Cannot open in-memory filehandle: $!\n";
+# ...
+# return $pod;
+# However, DBM::Deep supports 5.6, so this set of contortions will do the trick.
sub get_pod {
- my ($p,$v) = @_;
- #XXX This needs retro'ed to 5.6.0
- open( my $fh, '>', \my $pod ) or die "Cannot open in-memory filehandle: $!\n";
- pod2usage({
- -input => $p,
- -output => $fh,
- -verbose => $v,
- -exitval => 'NOEXIT',
- });
- return $pod;
+ my ($p,$v) = @_;
+ my ($fh, $fn) = new_fh();
+ close $fh;
+ open $fh, '>', $fn;
+ pod2usage({
+ -input => $p,
+ -output => $fh,
+ -verbose => $v,
+ -exitval => 'NOEXIT',
+ });
+ close $fh;
+ open $fh, '<', $fn;
+ return join '', <$fh>;