use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(ex2err throw);
use SQL::Translator::Role::ListAttr;
-use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj);
+use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub);
extends 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Object';
is => 'rw',
default => quote_sub(q{ '' }),
coerce => quote_sub(q{ lc $_[0] }),
- isa => sub {
- my $arg = $_[0];
- throw("Invalid match type: $arg")
- if $arg && !($arg eq 'full' || $arg eq 'partial' || $arg eq 'simple');
- },
+ isa => enum([qw(full partial simple)], {
+ msg => "Invalid match type: %s", allow_false => 1,
+ }),
around match_type => \&ex2err;
has type => (
is => 'rw',
default => quote_sub(q{ '' }),
- isa => sub {
- throw("Invalid constraint type: $_[0]")
- if $_[0] && !$VALID_CONSTRAINT_TYPE{ $_[0] };
- },
coerce => quote_sub(q{ (my $t = $_[0]) =~ s/_/ /g; uc $t }),
+ isa => enum([keys %VALID_CONSTRAINT_TYPE], {
+ msg => "Invalid constraint type: %s", allow_false => 1,
+ }),
around type => \&ex2err;
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(ex2err throw);
use SQL::Translator::Role::ListAttr;
-use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj);
+use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub);
extends 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Object';
has type => (
is => 'rw',
- isa => sub {
- my $type = uc $_[0] or return;
- throw("Invalid index type: $type") unless $VALID_INDEX_TYPE{$type};
- },
coerce => quote_sub(q{ uc $_[0] }),
default => quote_sub(q{ 'NORMAL' }),
+ isa => enum([keys %VALID_INDEX_TYPE], {
+ msg => "Invalid index type: %s", allow_false => 1,
+ }),
around type => \&ex2err;
use Moo 1.000003;
use SQL::Translator::Utils qw(parse_list_arg ex2err throw);
-use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj);
+use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Sub::Quote qw(quote_sub);
has perform_action_when => (
is => 'rw',
coerce => quote_sub(q{ defined $_[0] ? lc $_[0] : $_[0] }),
- isa => sub {
- throw("Invalid argument '$_[0]' to perform_action_when")
- if defined $_[0] and $_[0] !~ m/^(before|after)$/i;
- },
+ isa => enum([qw(before after)], {
+ msg => "Invalid argument '%s' to perform_action_when",
+ allow_undef => 1,
+ }),
around perform_action_when => \&ex2err;
has scope => (
is => 'rw',
- isa => sub {
- my ($arg) = @_;
- throw( "Invalid scope '$arg'" )
- if defined $arg and $arg !~ /^(row|statement)$/i;
- },
+ isa => enum([qw(row statement)], {
+ msg => "Invalid scope '%s'", icase => 1, allow_undef => 1,
+ }),
around scope => \&ex2err;
package Foo;
use Moo;
- use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj);
+ use SQL::Translator::Types qw(schema_obj enum);
has foo => ( is => 'rw', isa => schema_obj('Trigger') );
+ has bar => ( is => 'rw', isa => enum([q(baz quux quuz)], {
+ msg => "Invalid value for bar: '%s'", icase => 1,
+ });
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Exporter qw(import);
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(schema_obj);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw(schema_obj enum);
+=head2 enum(\@strings, [$msg | \%parameters])
+Returns a coderef that checks that the argument is one of the provided
+=head3 Parameters
+=item msg
+L<sprintf|perlfunc/sprintf> string for the error message.
+If no other parameters are needed, this can be provided on its own,
+instead of the C<%parameters> hashref.
+The invalid value is passed as the only argument.
+Defaults to C<Invalid value: '%s'>.
+=item icase
+If true, folds the values to lower case before checking for equality.
+=item allow_undef
+If true, allow C<undef> in addition to the specified strings.
+=item allow_false
+If true, allow any false value in addition to the specified strings.
+sub enum {
+ my ($values, $args) = @_;
+ $args ||= {};
+ $args = { msg => $args } unless ref($args) eq 'HASH';
+ my $icase = !!$args->{icase};
+ my %values = map { ($icase ? lc : $_) => undef } @{$values};
+ my $msg = $args->{msg} || "Invalid value: '%s'";
+ my $extra_test =
+ $args->{allow_undef} ? sub { defined $_[0] } :
+ $args->{allow_false} ? sub { !!$_[0] } : undef;
+ return sub {
+ my $val = $icase ? lc $_[0] : $_[0];
+ throw(sprintf($msg, $val))
+ if (!defined($extra_test) || $extra_test->($val))
+ && !exists $values{$val};
+ };