cmp_ok($anon_proto_size, '>', $anon_size + length prototype $anon_proto,
'prototypes add to the size');
+SKIP: {
use vars '@b';
my $aelemfast_lex = total_size(sub {my @a; $a[0]});
my $aelemfast = total_size(sub {my @a; $b[0]});
+ # This one is sane even before Dave's lexical aelemfast changes:
cmp_ok($aelemfast_lex, '>', $anon_size,
'aelemfast for a lexical is handled correctly');
+ skip('alemfast was extended to lexicals after this perl was released', 1)
+ if $] < 5.008004;
cmp_ok($aelemfast, '>', $aelemfast_lex,
'aelemfast for a package variable is larger');