--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More skip_all => "provisional test";
+use Test::Exception;
+ use_ok('Moose');
+ # no conflicts, this doesn't actually test the new behavior, it's just an example
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::A;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(bar) };
+ } "define role A";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::B;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(xxy) };
+ } "define role B";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::C;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with qw(Role::A Role::B); # conflict between 'foo's here
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo zot) };
+ } "define role C";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Class::A;
+ use Moose;
+ with qw(Role::C);
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(zot) };
+ } "define class A";
+ can_ok( Class::A->new, qw(foo bar xxy zot) );
+ is( eval { Class::A->new->foo }, "Role::C::foo", "foo" );
+ is( eval { Class::A->new->zot }, "Class::A::zot", "zot" );
+ is( eval { Class::A->new->bar }, "Role::A::bar", "bar" );
+ is( eval { Class::A->new->xxy }, "Role::B::xxy", "xxy" );
+ # conflict resolved by role, same result as prev
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::D;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo bar) };
+ } "define role Role::D";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::E;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo xxy) };
+ } "define role Role::E";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::F;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with qw(Role::D Role::E); # conflict between 'foo's here
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo zot) };
+ } "define role Role::F";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Class::B;
+ use Moose;
+ with qw(Role::F);
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(zot) };
+ } "define class Class::B";
+ can_ok( Class::B->new, qw(foo bar xxy zot) );
+ is( eval { Class::B->new->foo }, "Role::F::foo", "foo" );
+ is( eval { Class::B->new->zot }, "Class::B::zot", "zot" );
+ is( eval { Class::B->new->bar }, "Role::D::bar", "bar" );
+ is( eval { Class::B->new->xxy }, "Role::E::xxy", "xxy" );
+ # conflict propagation
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::H;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo bar) };
+ } "define role Role::H";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::J;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo xxy) };
+ } "define role Role::J";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Role::I;
+ use Moose::Role;
+ with qw(Role::J Role::H); # conflict between 'foo's here
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(zot) };
+ } "define role Role::I";
+ throws_ok {
+ package Class::C;
+ use Moose;
+ with qw(Role::I);
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(zot) };
+ } qr/requires.*'foo'/, "defining class Class::C fails";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Class::D;
+ use Moose;
+ has foo => ( default => __PACKAGE__ . "::foo", is => "rw" );
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(zot) };
+ with qw(Role::I);
+ } "resolved with attr";
+ lives_ok {
+ package Class::E;
+ use Moose;
+ with qw(Role::I);
+ use constant;
+ BEGIN { constant->import($_ => __PACKAGE__ . "::$_") for qw(foo zot) };
+ } "resolved with method";
+ can_ok( Class::D->new, qw(foo bar xxy zot) );
+ is( eval { Class::D->new->foo }, "Class::D::foo", "foo" );
+ is( eval { Class::D->new->zot }, "Class::D::zot", "zot" );
+ is( eval { Class::D->new->bar }, "Role::H::bar", "bar" );
+ is( eval { Class::D->new->xxy }, "Role::I::xxy", "xxy" );
+ can_ok( Class::E->new, qw(foo bar xxy zot) );
+ is( eval { Class::E->new->foo }, "Class::E::foo", "foo" );
+ is( eval { Class::E->new->zot }, "Class::E::zot", "zot" );
+ is( eval { Class::E->new->bar }, "Role::H::bar", "bar" );
+ is( eval { Class::E->new->xxy }, "Role::J::xxy", "xxy" );