* Accessors will no longer be inlined if the instance metaclass isn't
inlinable. (doy)
+ * Union types always created a type constraint, even if their constituent
+ constraints did not have any coercions. This bogus coercion always
+ returned undef, which meant that a union which included Undef as a member
+ always coerced bad values to undef. Reported by Eric Brine. RT
+ #58411. (Dave Rolsky)
+ * Union types with coercions would always fall back to coercing the value to
+ undef (unintentionally). Now if all the coercions for a union type fail,
+ the value returned by the coercion is the original value that we attempted
+ to coerce. (Dave Rolsky).
* Use Perl 5.10's new recursive regex features, if possible, for the type
constraint parser. (doy, nothingmuch)
$self->_set_constraint(sub { $self->check($_[0]) });
- $self->coercion(Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union->new(
- type_constraint => $self
- ));
+ if ( grep { $_->has_coercion } @{ $self->type_constraints } ) {
+ $self->coercion(
+ Moose::Meta::TypeCoercion::Union->new( type_constraint => $self )
+ );
+ }
return $self;
is($email->raw_body, $fh, '... and it is the one we expected');
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ has nothing => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Undef | Undef',
+ );
+ has nothing2 => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Undef | Undef',
+ coerce => 1,
+ );
+ subtype 'Coerced' => as 'ArrayRef';
+ coerce 'Coerced'
+ => from 'Value'
+ => via { [ $_ ] };
+ has carray => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Coerced | Coerced',
+ coerce => 1,
+ );
+ throws_ok { Foo->new( nothing => 1 ) }
+ qr/\QValidation failed for 'Undef|Undef' with value 1/,
+ 'Cannot pass defined value for nothing attribute';
+ throws_ok { Foo->new( nothing2 => 1 ) }
+ qr/\QValidation failed for 'Undef|Undef' with value 1/,
+ 'Cannot pass defined value for nothing2 attribute';
+ {
+ my $foo;
+ lives_ok { $foo = Foo->new( carray => 1 ) }
+ 'Can pass non-ref value for carray';
+ is_deeply(
+ $foo->carray, [1],
+ 'carray was coerced to an array ref'
+ );
+ }
+ throws_ok { Foo->new( carray => {} ) } qr/\QValidation failed for 'Coerced|Coerced' with value \E(?!undef)/,
+ 'Cannot pass a hash ref for carray attribute, and hash ref is not coerced to an undef';