- Support DAGs.
- Add is_leaf, is_parent, is_branch, and is_root.
- Tree::Visitor
- - Come up with a better name for attach_before and attach_after.
+ - Come up with a better name for attach_before and
+ attach_after.
- Support multiple columns for ordering.
- - Declare both the parent column and the position column in one call.
+ - Declare both the parent column and the position column
+ in one call.
+ - Add an ancestors() and descendants() method with
+ support for resultset cacheing.
+=head2 DBIx::Class
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 DBIx::Class::Componentised
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 Class::Data::Accessor
+=over 4
+=item *
=head1 AUTHOR
Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@cpan.org>
-This module inherits all methods from L<DBIx::Class::Ordered>.
- siblings
- first_sibling
- last_sibling
- previous_sibling
- next_sibling
- move_previous
- move_next
- move_first
- move_last
- move_to
- insert
- delete
-And L<DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList>.
- attach_child
- attach_sibling
+=head2 DBIx::Class::Ordered
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 DBIx::Class::Tree::AdjacencyList
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 DBIx::Class
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 DBIx::Class::Componentised
+=over 4
+=item *
+=item *
+=item *
+=head2 Class::Data::Accessor
+=over 4
+=item *
=head1 AUTHOR