Revision history for local::lib
+ - yet another attempt to overcome win32 testing issues (paths with
+ spaces, backslashes)
1.008019 2013-09-29 (development release, unindexed)
- another attempt to overcome win32 testing issues (paths with spaces,
# local lib to the same temp dir.
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile('test_local_lib-XXXXX', DIR => Cwd::abs_path('t'), UNLINK => 1);
-# escape backlslashes for embedding into generated script
-$dir1 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
print $fh <<EOM;
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
use strict; use warnings;
use local::lib '$dir1';
-warn 'using lib dir $dir1', "\n";
+warn 'using lib dir $dir1', "\\n";
if (grep { m{^\\Q$dir1\\E/} } \@INC) {
exit 0;
+warn '\@INC is: ', join("\\n", \@INC), "\\n";
exit 1
close $fh;