my $content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
close $fh;
+ eval { require JSON::DWIW; };
+ unless( $@ ) {
+ my $decoder = JSON::DWIW->new;
+ my ( $data, $error ) = $decoder->from_json( $content );
+ die $error if $error;
+ return $data;
+ }
eval { require JSON::XS; };
unless( $@ ) {
- return JSON::XS::decode_json( $content );
+ my $decoder = JSON::XS->new->relaxed;
+ return $decoder->decode( $content );
eval { require JSON::Syck; };
=head2 requires_any_of( )
-Specifies that this modules requires one of, L<JSON::XS>, L<JSON::Syck> or
-L<JSON> in order to work.
+Specifies that this modules requires one of, L<JSON::DWIW>, L<JSON::XS>,
+L<JSON::Syck> or L<JSON> in order to work.
-sub requires_any_of { 'JSON::XS', 'JSON::Syck', 'JSON' }
+sub requires_any_of { 'JSON::DWIW', 'JSON::XS', 'JSON::Syck', 'JSON' }
=head1 AUTHOR
=item * L<Config::Any>
-=item * L<JSON>
+=item * L<JSON::DWIW>
+=item * L<JSON::XS>
=item * L<JSON::Syck>
-=item * L<JSON::XS>
+=item * L<JSON>
my $file = shift;
my $content;
- unless ( $content = $cache{ $file } ) {
- $content = require $file;
- $cache{ $file } = $content;
+ my $mtime = (stat($file))[9];
+ if ( (not exists $cache{ $file }) || $cache{ $file }{ mtime } < $mtime ) {
+ my $exception;
+ {
+ local $@;
+ $content = do $file;
+ $exception = $@;
+ }
+ die $exception if $exception;
+ $cache{ $file }{ mtime } = $mtime;
+ $cache{ $file }{ content } = $content;
- return $content;
+ return $cache{ $file }{ content };
=head1 AUTHOR