IV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; IV value;}',
NV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; NV value;}',
UV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; UV value;}',
+ PV => '{const char *name; I32 namelen; const char *value;}',
YES => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;}',
NO => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;}',
'' => '{const char *name; I32 namelen;} ',
IV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
NV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
UV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
+ PV => sub { $_[0] . '->value' },
YES => sub {},
NO => sub {},
'' => sub {},
IV => sub { "newSViv($_[0])" },
NV => sub { "newSVnv($_[0])" },
UV => sub { "newSVuv($_[0])" },
+ PV => sub { "newSVpv($_[0], 0)" },
YES => sub { '&PL_sv_yes' },
NO => sub { '&PL_sv_no' },
'' => sub { '&PL_sv_yes' },
return $type_to_C_value{$type} || sub {return map {ref $_ ? @$_ : $_} @_};
+# TODO - figure out if there is a clean way for the type_to_sv code to
+# attempt s/sv_2mortal// and if it succeeds tell type_to_sv not to add
+# SvREFCNT_inc
%type_is_a_problem =
# The documentation says *mortal SV*, but we now need a non-mortal copy.
SV => 1,
-$type_temporary{SV} = 'SV *';
+%type_temporary =
+ (
+ SV => 'SV *',
+ PV => 'const char *',
+ );
$type_temporary{$_} = $_ foreach qw(IV UV NV);
while (my ($type, $value) = each %XS_TypeSet) {