use ExtUtils::testlib;
use strict;
-BEGIN { print "1..17\n" };
+BEGIN { print "1..13\n" };
use threads;
-use threads::shared qw(:DEFAULT _thrcnt _refcnt _id);
+use threads::shared qw(:DEFAULT _refcnt _id);
my $foo;
ok(3, ${$foo{foo}} eq "test", "Check deref after assign");
threads->create(sub{${$foo{foo}} = "test2";})->join();
ok(4, $foo eq "test2", "Check after assign in another thread");
-skip(5, _thrcnt($foo) == 2, "Check refcount");
my $bar = delete($foo{foo});
-ok(6, $$bar eq "test2", "check delete");
-skip(7, _thrcnt($foo) == 1, "Check refcount after delete");
+ok(5, $$bar eq "test2", "check delete");
threads->create( sub {
my $test;
$test = "thread3";
$foo{test} = \$test;
-ok(8, ${$foo{test}} eq "thread3", "Check reference created in another thread");
+ok(6, ${$foo{test}} eq "thread3", "Check reference created in another thread");
my $gg = $foo{test};
$$gg = "test";
-ok(9, ${$foo{test}} eq "test", "Check reference");
-skip(10, _thrcnt($gg) == 2, "Check refcount");
+ok(7, ${$foo{test}} eq "test", "Check reference");
my $gg2 = delete($foo{test});
-skip(11, _thrcnt($gg) == 1, "Check refcount");
-ok(12, _id($$gg) == _id($$gg2),
+ok(8, _id($$gg) == _id($$gg2),
sprintf("Check we get the same thing (%x vs %x)",
-ok(13, $$gg eq $$gg2, "And check the values are the same");
-ok(14, keys %foo == 0, "And make sure we realy have deleted the values");
+ok(9, $$gg eq $$gg2, "And check the values are the same");
+ok(10, keys %foo == 0, "And make sure we realy have deleted the values");
my (%hash1, %hash2);
$hash1{hash} = \%hash2;
$hash2{"bar"} = "foo";
- ok(15, $hash1{hash}->{bar} eq "foo", "Check hash references work");
+ ok(11, $hash1{hash}->{bar} eq "foo", "Check hash references work");
threads->create(sub { $hash2{"bar2"} = "foo2"})->join();
- ok(16, $hash1{hash}->{bar2} eq "foo2", "Check hash references work");
+ ok(12, $hash1{hash}->{bar2} eq "foo2", "Check hash references work");
threads->create(sub { my (%hash3); share(%hash3); $hash2{hash} = \%hash3; $hash3{"thread"} = "yes"})->join();
- ok(17, $hash1{hash}->{hash}->{thread} eq "yes", "Check hash created in another thread");
+ ok(13, $hash1{hash}->{hash}->{thread} eq "yes", "Check hash created in another thread");
use ExtUtils::testlib;
use strict;
-BEGIN { print "1..21\n" };
+BEGIN { print "1..14\n" };
use threads;
use threads::shared;
ok(13, $seen{"foo"} == 1, "Keys..");
threads->create(sub { %hash = () })->join();
ok(14, keys %hash == 0, "Check clear");
-skip(15, threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 1, "thrcnt");
-threads->create(sub { skip(16, threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 2, "thrcnt is up")})->join();
-skip(17, threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 1, "thrcnt is down");
- my $test;
- my $test2;
- share($test);
- $test = \%hash;
- $test2 = \%hash;
- skip(18, threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 2, "thrcnt is up on shared reference");
- $test = "bar";
- skip(19 , threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 1, "thrcnt is down when shared reference is dropped");
- $test = $test2;
- skip(20, threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 2, "thrcnt is up on shared reference");
-skip(21 , threads::shared::_thrcnt(%hash) == 1, "thrcnt is down when shared reference is killed");