use Carp;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use Class::C3;
-use Data::Dump qw/ dump /;
use Scalar::Util qw/ weaken /;
# Always remember to do all digits for the version even if they're 0
without the intermediate step of creating a physical Loader-based
schema class.
+The return value is the input class name.
This function can be exported/imported by the normal means, as
illustrated in these Examples:
sub make_schema_at {
my ($target, $opts, $connect_info) = @_;
- my $opts_dumped = dump($opts);
- my $cinfo_dumped = dump(@$connect_info);
- eval qq|
- package $target;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
- __PACKAGE__->loader_options($opts_dumped);
- __PACKAGE__->connection($cinfo_dumped);
- |;
- croak "make_schema_at failed: $@" if $@;
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ @{$target . '::ISA'} = qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
+ }
+ $target->loader_options($opts);
+ $target->connection(@$connect_info);
=head1 EXAMPLE
my $blist = join(q{ }, @_);
$self->_raw_stmt($target, "use base qw/ $blist /;") if @_;
- warn "$target: use base qw/ $blist /" if $self->debug;
+ warn "$target: use base qw/ $blist /" if $self->debug && @_;
foreach (@_) {
$_->require or croak ($_ . "->require: $@");
$schema_class->inject_base($target, $_);