Revision history for SQL::Abstract
+ - New attribute 'escape_char' allowing for proper escape of quote_chars
+ present in an identifier
revision 1.78 2014-05-28
- Fix parsing of binary ops to correctly take up only a single LHS
else {
puke "Unsupported quote_char format: $_[0]->{quote_char}";
+ my $esc = $_[0]->{escape_char} || $r;
# parts containing * are naturally unquoted
return join( $_[0]->{name_sep}||'', map
- { $_ eq '*' ? $_ : $l . $_ . $r }
+ { $_ eq '*' ? $_ : do { (my $n = $_) =~ s/(\Q$esc\E|\Q$r\E)/$esc$1/g; $l . $n . $r } }
( $_[0]->{name_sep} ? split (/\Q$_[0]->{name_sep}\E/, $_[1] ) : $_[1] )
Quoting is useful if you have tables or columns names that are reserved
words in your database's SQL dialect.
+=item escape_char
+This is the character that will be used to escape L</quote_char>s appearing
+in an identifier before it has been quoted.
+The paramter default in case of a single L</quote_char> character is the quote
+character itself.
+When opening-closing-style quoting is used (L</quote_char> is an arrayref)
+this parameter defaults to the B<closing (right)> L</quote_char>. Occurences
+of the B<opening (left)> L</quote_char> within the identifier are currently left
+untouched. The default for opening-closing-style quotes may change in future
+versions, thus you are B<strongly encouraged> to specify the escape character
=item name_sep
This is the character that separates a table and column name. It is
bind => [],
warns => qr/\QSupplying an undefined argument to 'NOT LIKE' is deprecated/,
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['`test``table`', ['`test``column`']],
+ stmt => 'SELECT `test``column` FROM `test``table`',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT ```test````column``` FROM ```test````table```',
+ bind => [],
+ },
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['`test\\`table`', ['`test`\\column`']],
+ stmt => 'SELECT `test`\column` FROM `test\`table`',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT `\`test\`\\\\column\`` FROM `\`test\\\\\`table\``',
+ esc => '\\',
+ bind => [],
+ },
# check is( not) => undef
for my $quoted (0, 1) {
- my $maker = SQL::Abstract->new(%$new, $quoted
- ? (quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.')
- : ()
+ my $maker = SQL::Abstract->new(
+ %$new,
+ ($quoted ? (
+ quote_char => '`',
+ name_sep => '.',
+ ( $t->{esc} ? (
+ escape_char => $t->{esc},
+ ) : ())
+ ) : ())
my($stmt, @bind);