use Encode qw( decode_utf8 );
use File::chdir;
use File::Temp;
+use File::Which;
use Graph;
use Graph::Reader::Dot;
use IPC::Run qw/ run binary /;
close CMD;
# And then we run the program.
- my $PHYLIP_PATH = '/Users/tla/Projects/phylip-3.69/exe';
- my $program = "pars";
- if( $^O eq 'darwin' ) {
- $program = "$PHYLIP_PATH/$$program";
- } else {
- $program = "$PHYLIP_PATH/$program";
+ my $program = File::Which::which( 'pars' );
+ unless( -x $program ) {
+ return( undef, "Phylip pars not found in path" );
use strict; use warnings;
+use File::Which;
use Test::More;
use lib 'lib';
use Text::Tradition;
# Test that pars runs
-my( $status, $tree ) = $stemma->run_phylip_pars();
-ok( $status, "pars ran successfully" );
-print STDERR "Error was $tree\n" unless $status;
-# Test that we get a tree
-is( scalar @{$stemma->distance_trees}, 1, "Got a single tree" );
-# Test that the tree has all our witnesses
-$tree = $stemma->distance_trees->[0];
-my @leaves = grep { $tree->degree( $_ ) == 1 } $tree->vertices;
-is( scalar @leaves, 3, "All witnesses in the tree" );
+SKIP: {
+ skip "pars not installed", 3 unless File::Which::which('pars');
+ my( $status, $tree ) = $stemma->run_phylip_pars();
+ ok( $status, "pars ran successfully" );
+ print STDERR "Error was $tree\n" unless $status;
+ # Test that we get a tree
+ is( scalar @{$stemma->distance_trees}, 1, "Got a single tree" );
+ # Test that the tree has all our witnesses
+ $tree = $stemma->distance_trees->[0];
+ my @leaves = grep { $tree->degree( $_ ) == 1 } $tree->vertices;
+ is( scalar @leaves, 3, "All witnesses in the tree" );
# Test our dot output
my $display = $stemma->as_dot();
ok( $editable =~ /digraph/, "Got a dot edit graph" );
ok( $editable =~ /hypothetical/, "Graph contains an edit class" );
\ No newline at end of file