use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 11;
+use Test::More tests => 17;
is_deeply($href, \%hash, "sanity check to start");
- my @keys;
+ my (@keys, @keys2);
$href->each_key(sub { push @keys, $_ });
- is_deeply([ sort @keys ], [ sort keys %hash ], "keys found via each_key");
+ is_deeply([ sort @keys ], [ sort keys %hash ], 'keys found via each_key in $_');
+ $href->each_key(sub { push @keys2, $_[0] });
+ is_deeply([ sort @keys2 ], [ sort keys %hash ], 'keys found via each_key in $_[0]');
- my @values;
+ my (@values, @values2);
$href->each_value(sub { push @values, $_ });
- is_deeply([ sort @values ], [ sort values %hash ], "values via each_values");
+ is_deeply([ sort @values ], [ sort values %hash ], 'values via each_values in $_');
+ $href->each_value(sub { push @values2, $_[0] });
+ is_deeply([ sort @values2 ], [ sort values %hash ], 'values via each_values in $_[0]');
$href->each_value(sub { $_++ });
is($href->{a}, 2, "we can ++ values directly");
is_deeply($aref, \@array, "sanity check to start");
- my @keys;
+ my (@keys, @keys2);
$aref->each_key(sub { push @keys, $_ });
- is_deeply([ @keys ], [ 0, 1, 2 ], "keys found via each_key");
+ is_deeply([ @keys ], [ 0, 1, 2 ], 'keys found via each_key in $_');
+ $aref->each_key(sub { push @keys2, $_[0] });
+ is_deeply([ @keys2 ], [ 0, 1, 2 ], 'keys found via each_key in $_[0]');
- my @values;
+ my (@values, @values2);
$aref->each_value(sub { push @values, $_ });
- is_deeply([ @values ], [ @array ], "values via each_values");
+ is_deeply([ @values ], [ @array ], 'values via each_values in $_');
+ $aref->each_value(sub { push @values2, $_[0] });
+ is_deeply([ @values2 ], [ @array ], 'values via each_values in $_[0]');
$aref->each_value(sub { $_ = uc });
is($aref->[0], 'FOO', "we can alter values directly");
$aref->each_key(sub { $_ = $_ + 1 });
ok(! $aref->[3], "we cannot alter keys directly");
+ my $string = 'foo';
+ my @values;
+ $string->each_value(sub { push @values, $_ });
+ is_deeply( [@values], [$string], 'each_values for scalar using $_' );
+ my $string = 'foo';
+ my @values;
+ $string->each_value(sub { push @values, $_[0] });
+ is_deeply( [@values], [$string], 'each_values for scalar using $_[0]' );