natural_join above) of SQL::Translator::Schema, if either
the natural_join or join_pk_only options has a true value
+=item * skip_tables
+Determines the tables that will be skipped. Can be a list of
+tables or a regular expression.
=item * show_indexes
if set to a true value, each record will also show the indexes
my $show_constraints = $args->{'show_constraints'};
my $join_pk_only = $args->{'join_pk_only'};
my $skip_fields = $args->{'skip_fields'} || '';
+ my $skip_tables = $args->{'skip_tables'} || '';
my %skip = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; length $_ ? ($_, 1) : () }
split ( /,/, $skip_fields );
$natural_join ||= $join_pk_only;
eval { $gv->$output_method };
die "Invalid output type: '$output_type'" if $@;
+ my %skip_table = map { $_, 1 } split /\s*,\s*/, $skip_tables;
my %nj_registry; # for locations of fields for natural joins
my @fk_registry; # for locations of fields for foreign keys
for my $table ( $schema->get_tables ) {
+ my $tname = $table->name;
+ if ( %skip_table ) {
+ next TABLE if $skip_table{ $tname };
+ for my $t ( keys %skip_table ) {
+ next TABLE if $tname =~ /$t/;
+ }
+ }
my @fields = $table->get_fields;
if ( $show_fk_only ) {
@fields = grep { $_->is_foreign_key } @fields;