# Iterate through buckets, seeing if this is a new entry or a replace.
for (my $i=0; $i<$MAX_BUCKETS; $i++) {
- my $key = substr($keys, $i * $BUCKET_SIZE, $HASH_SIZE);
my $subloc = unpack($LONG_PACK, substr($keys, ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE, $LONG_SIZE));
if (!$subloc) {
print( $fh $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
- elsif ($md5 eq $key) {
+ my $key = substr($keys, $i * $BUCKET_SIZE, $HASH_SIZE);
+ if ($md5 eq $key) {
# Found existing bucket with same key. Replace with new value.
$location = $value->_base_offset;
seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
print( $fh $md5 . pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
+ return $result;
- else {
- seek($fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE + $root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
- my $size;
- read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
- ##
- # If value is a hash, array, or raw value with equal or less size, we can
- # reuse the same content area of the database. Otherwise, we have to create
- # a new content area at the EOF.
- ##
- my $actual_length;
- my $r = Scalar::Util::reftype( $value ) || '';
- if ( $r eq 'HASH' || $r eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- $actual_length = $INDEX_SIZE;
- # if autobless is enabled, must also take into consideration
- # the class name, as it is stored along with key/value.
- if ( $root->{autobless} ) {
- my $value_class = Scalar::Util::blessed($value);
- if ( defined $value_class && $value_class ne 'DBM::Deep' ) {
- $actual_length += length($value_class);
- }
- } # autobless
+ seek($fh, $subloc + SIG_SIZE + $root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
+ my $size;
+ read( $fh, $size, $DATA_LENGTH_SIZE); $size = unpack($DATA_LENGTH_PACK, $size);
+ ##
+ # If value is a hash, array, or raw value with equal or less size, we can
+ # reuse the same content area of the database. Otherwise, we have to create
+ # a new content area at the EOF.
+ ##
+ my $actual_length;
+ my $r = Scalar::Util::reftype( $value ) || '';
+ if ( $r eq 'HASH' || $r eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $actual_length = $INDEX_SIZE;
+ # if autobless is enabled, must also take into consideration
+ # the class name, as it is stored along with key/value.
+ if ( $root->{autobless} ) {
+ my $value_class = Scalar::Util::blessed($value);
+ if ( defined $value_class && !$value->isa('DBM::Deep') ) {
+ $actual_length += length($value_class);
+ }
- else { $actual_length = length($value); }
- if ($actual_length <= $size) {
- $location = $subloc;
- }
- else {
- $location = $root->{end};
- seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE + $root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
- print( $fh pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
- }
- }
+ }
+ else { $actual_length = length($value); }
+ if ($actual_length <= $size) {
+ $location = $subloc;
+ }
+ else {
+ $location = $root->{end};
+ seek($fh, $tag->{offset} + ($i * $BUCKET_SIZE) + $HASH_SIZE + $root->{file_offset}, SEEK_SET);
+ print( $fh pack($LONG_PACK, $location) );
+ }
- } # i loop
+ }
# If this is an internal reference, return now.
# Get last error string, or undef if no error
return $_[0]
- #? ( _get_self($_[0])->{root}->{error} or undef )
? ( $_[0]->_get_self->{root}->{error} or undef )
: $@;
STDERR, and continue on. This is for debugging purposes only, and probably
not what you want. This is an optional parameter, and defaults to 0 (disabled).
-=item * fh
-Instead of passing a file path, you can instead pass a handle to an pre-opened
-filehandle. Note: Beware of using the magick *DATA handle, as this actually
-contains your entire Perl script, as well as the data following the __DATA__
-marker. This will not work, because DBM::Deep uses absolute seek()s into the
-file. Instead, consider reading *DATA into an IO::Scalar handle, then passing
-in that. Also please note optimize() will NOT work when passing in only a
-handle. Pass in a real filename in order to use optimize().
+B<NOTE>: This parameter is considered deprecated and should not be used anymore.
=item * error() / clear_error()
-Error handling methods (may be deprecated).
+Error handling methods. These are deprecated and will be removed in 1.00.
be used for debugging purposes and not production work. DBM::Deep expects errors
to be thrown, not propagated back up the stack.
+B<NOTE>: error() and clear_error() are considered deprecated and I<will> be removed
+in 1.00. Please don't use them. Instead, wrap all your functions with in eval-blocks.
If you have a 64-bit system, and your Perl is compiled with both LARGEFILE