-# $Id: $
+# $Id: /local/schwern.org/CPAN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/trunk/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm 4531 2005-05-19T21:18:53.053398Z schwern $
package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
BEGIN {require 5.005_03;}
use vars qw($Revision);
use strict;
-$VERSION = '6.28';
-($Revision = q$Revision: 4409 $) =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)/;
+$VERSION = '6.29';
+($Revision = q$Revision: 4531 $) =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)/;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&WriteMakefile &writeMakefile $Verbose &prompt);
search. PL_FILES accepts a hash ref, the key being the file to run
and the value is passed in as the first argument when the PL file is run.
- PL_FILES => {'bin/foobar.PL' => 'bin/foobar'}
+ PL_FILES => {'bin/foobar.PL' => 'bin/foobar'}
Would run bin/foobar.PL like this:
If multiple files from one program are desired an array ref can be used.
- PL_FILES => {'bin/foobar.PL' => [qw(bin/foobar1 bin/foobar2)]}
+ PL_FILES => {'bin/foobar.PL' => [qw(bin/foobar1 bin/foobar2)]}
In this case the program will be run multiple times using each target file.
perl bin/foobar.PL bin/foobar1
perl bin/foobar.PL bin/foobar2
+PL files are run B<after> pm_to_blib and include INST_LIB and INST_ARCH
+in its C<@INC> so the just built modules can be accessed.
=item PM
$VERSION = '1.00';
*VERSION = \'1.01';
- $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 4409 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
+ $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 4531 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
$FOO::VERSION = '1.10';
*FOO::VERSION = \'1.11';
our $VERSION = 1.2.3; # new for perl5.6.0
If set to a true value then MakeMaker's prompt function will
always return the default without waiting for user input.
+=item PERL_CORE
+Same as the PERL_CORE parameter. The parameter overrides this.
=head1 SEE ALSO
# _is_prefix
ok( $ei->_is_prefix('foo/bar', 'foo'),
- '_is_prefix() should match valid path prefix' );
+ '_is_prefix() should match valid path prefix' );
ok( !$ei->_is_prefix('\foo\bar', '\bar'),
- '... should not match wrong prefix' );
+ '... should not match wrong prefix' );
# _is_type
ok( $ei->_is_type(0, 'all'), '_is_type() should be true for type of "all"' );
foreach my $path (qw( man1dir man3dir )) {
-SKIP: {
- my $dir = $Config{$path.'exp'};
+ SKIP: {
+ my $dir = $Config{$path.'exp'};
skip("no man directory $path on this system", 2 ) unless $dir;
- my $file = $dir . '/foo';
- ok( $ei->_is_type($file, 'doc'), "... should find doc file in $path" );
- ok( !$ei->_is_type($file, 'prog'), "... but not prog file in $path" );
+ my $file = $dir . '/foo';
+ ok( $ei->_is_type($file, 'doc'), "... should find doc file in $path" );
+ ok( !$ei->_is_type($file, 'prog'), "... but not prog file in $path" );
$prefix = $Config{prefix} if $prefix eq 'p:' && $^O eq 'MSWin32';
ok( $ei->_is_type( File::Spec->catfile($prefix, 'bar'), 'prog'),
- "... should find prog file under $prefix" );
+ "... should find prog file under $prefix" );
- skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs;
- is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'doc'), 0,
- '... should not find doc file outside path' );
+ skip('no man directories on this system', 1) unless $mandirs;
+ is( $ei->_is_type('bar', 'doc'), 0,
+ '... should not find doc file outside path' );
ok( !$ei->_is_type('bar', 'prog'),
- '... nor prog file outside path' );
+ '... nor prog file outside path' );
ok( !$ei->_is_type('whocares', 'someother'), '... nor other type anywhere' );
# _is_under
my $fake_mod_dir = File::Spec->catdir(cwd(), 'auto', 'FakeMod');
%ExtUtils::Installed::Config = (
- archlibexp => cwd(),
- sitearchexp => $fake_mod_dir,
+ archlibexp => cwd(),
+ sitearchexp => $fake_mod_dir,
- # necessary to fool new()
- push @INC, $fake_mod_dir;
+ # necessary to fool new()
+ push @INC, $fake_mod_dir;
- my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
+ my $realei = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
isa_ok( $realei, 'ExtUtils::Installed' );
isa_ok( $realei->{Perl}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' );
is( $realei->{Perl}{version}, $Config{version},
'new() should set Perl version from %Config' );
- ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() should find modules with .packlists');
- isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' );
- is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1',
- '... should find version in modules' );
+ ok( exists $realei->{FakeMod}, 'new() should find modules with .packlists');
+ isa_ok( $realei->{FakeMod}{packlist}, 'ExtUtils::Packlist' );
+ is( $realei->{FakeMod}{version}, '1.1.1',
+ '... should find version in modules' );
# modules
$ei->{$_} = 1 for qw( abc def ghi );
is( join(' ', $ei->modules()), 'abc def ghi',
- 'modules() should return sorted keys' );
+ 'modules() should return sorted keys' );
# This didn't work for a long time due to a sort in scalar context oddity.
is( $ei->modules, 3, 'modules() in scalar context' );
# files
$ei->{goodmod} = {
- packlist => {
+ packlist => {
($Config{man1direxp} ?
(File::Spec->catdir($Config{man1direxp}, 'foo') => 1) :
(File::Spec->catdir($Config{man3direxp}, 'bar') => 1) :
File::Spec->catdir($prefix, 'foobar') => 1,
- foobaz => 1,
- },
+ foobaz => 1,
+ },
eval { $ei->files('badmod') };
my $fakepak = Fakepak->new(102);
$ei->{yesmod} = {
- version => 101,
- packlist => $fakepak,
+ version => 101,
+ packlist => $fakepak,
# these should all croak
foreach my $sub (qw( validate packlist version )) {
- eval { $ei->$sub('nomod') };
- like( $@, qr/nomod is not installed/,
- "$sub() should croak when asked about uninstalled module" );
+ eval { $ei->$sub('nomod') };
+ like( $@, qr/nomod is not installed/,
+ "$sub() should croak when asked about uninstalled module" );
# validate
is( $ei->validate('yesmod'), 'validated',
- 'validate() should return results of packlist validate() call' );
+ 'validate() should return results of packlist validate() call' );
# packlist
is( ${ $ei->packlist('yesmod') }, 102,
- 'packlist() should report installed mod packlist' );
+ 'packlist() should report installed mod packlist' );
# version
is( $ei->version('yesmod'), 101,
- 'version() should report installed mod version' );
+ 'version() should report installed mod version' );
package Fakepak;
sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- bless(\(my $scalar = shift), $class);
+ my $class = shift;
+ bless(\(my $scalar = shift), $class);
sub validate {
- 'validated'
+ return 'validated'