use strict;
use Config;
+use Errno qw(ENOENT);
use Test::More;
my %modules;
'Time::HiRes'=> q| ::is( ref Time::HiRes->can('usleep'),'CODE' ) |, # 5.7.3
-plan tests => 27 + keys(%modules) * 2;
+plan tests => 28 + keys(%modules) * 2;
# Try to load the module
is( $@, '', "calling DynaLoader::dl_load_file() with undefined argument" ); # is this expected ?
eval { DynaLoader::dl_load_file("egg_bacon_sausage_and_spam") };
-is( $@, '', "calling DynaLoader::dl_load_file() with undefined argument" );
-like( DynaLoader::dl_error(), q{/egg_bacon_sausage_and_spam/},
- "calling DynaLoader::dl_load_file() with a package without binary object" );
+is( $@, '', "calling DynaLoader::dl_load_file() with a package without binary object" );
+is( 0+$!, ENOENT, "checking errno value" );
+like( DynaLoader::dl_error(), "/$!/", "checking error message returned by dl_error()" );
# ... dl_findfile()
my @files = ();