sub trigger { $_[0]->{trigger} }
sub builder { $_[0]->{builder} }
sub should_auto_deref { $_[0]->{auto_deref} }
+sub is_coerce { $_[0]->{is_coerce} }
sub has_default { exists $_[0]->{default} }
sub has_predicate { exists $_[0]->{predicate} }
my $trigger = $attribute->trigger;
my $is_weak = $attribute->is_weak_ref;
my $should_deref = $attribute->should_auto_deref;
+ my $is_coerce = $attribute->is_coerce;
my $self = '$_[0]';
my $key = $attribute->inlined_name;
my $value = '$_[1]';
if ($constraint) {
- $accessor .= 'local $_ = '.$value.';
+ if ($is_coerce) {
+ $accessor .= $value.' = $attribute->coerce_constraint('.$value.');';
+ }
+ $accessor .= 'local $_ = '.$value.';';
+ $accessor .= '
unless ($constraint->()) {
my $display = defined($_) ? overload::StrVal($_) : "undef";
Carp::confess("Attribute ($name) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for \'$type\' failed with value $display");
%args = $self->canonicalize_args($name, %args);
$self->validate_args($name, \%args);
+ $args{is_coerce} = delete $args{coerce}
+ if exists $args{coerce};
$args{type_constraint} = delete $args{isa}
if exists $args{isa};
return unless $type;
- my $checker = Mouse::TypeRegistry->optimized_constraints->{$type};
+ my $checker = Mouse::TypeRegistry->optimized_constraints($self->associated_class->name)->{$type};
return $checker if $checker;
return sub { blessed($_) && blessed($_) eq $type };
Carp::confess("Attribute ($name) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for \'$type\' failed with value $display");
+sub coerce_constraint {
+ my($self, $value) = @_;
+ my $type = $self->type_constraint
+ or return $value;
+ return Mouse::TypeRegistry->typecast_constraints($self->associated_class->name, $type, $value);
sub _canonicalize_handles {
my $self = shift;
my $handles = shift;
my $default;
if (defined($from) && exists($args->{$from})) {
+ $args->{$from} = $attribute->coerce_constraint($args->{$from})
+ if $attribute->is_coerce;
if $attribute->has_type_constraint;
? $default->()
: $default;
+ $value = $attribute->coerce_constraint($value)
+ if $attribute->is_coerce;
if $attribute->has_type_constraint;
use Mouse::Util qw/blessed looks_like_number openhandle/;
-no warnings 'uninitialized';
-sub optimized_constraints {
- return {
+my $SUBTYPE = +{};
+my $COERCE = +{};
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $caller = caller(0);
+ $SUBTYPE->{$caller} ||= +{};
+ $COERCE->{$caller} ||= +{};
+ if (defined $args{'-export'} && ref($args{'-export'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$caller\::import"} = sub { _import(@_) };
+ }
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *{"$caller\::subtype"} = \&_subtype;
+ *{"$caller\::coerce"} = \&_coerce;
+# *{"$caller\::class_type"} = \&_class_type;
+# *{"$caller\::role_type"} = \&_role_type;
+sub _import {
+ my($class, @types) = @_;
+ return unless exists $SUBTYPE->{$class} && exists $COERCE->{$class};
+ my $pkg = caller(1);
+ return unless @types;
+ copy_types($class, $pkg, @types);
+sub _subtype {
+ my $pkg = caller(0);
+ my($name, $stuff) = @_;
+ if (ref $stuff eq 'HASH') {
+ my $as = $stuff->{as};
+ $stuff = optimized_constraints()->{$as};
+ }
+ $SUBTYPE->{$pkg}->{$name} = $stuff;
+sub _coerce {
+ my $pkg = caller(0);
+ my($name, $conf) = @_;
+ $COERCE->{$pkg}->{$name} = $conf;
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub typecast_constraints {
+ my($class, $pkg, $type, $value) = @_;
+ return $value unless defined $COERCE->{$pkg} && defined $COERCE->{$pkg}->{$type};
+ my $optimized_constraints = optimized_constraints();
+ for my $coerce_type (keys %{ $COERCE->{$pkg}->{$type} }) {
+ local $_ = $value;
+ if ($optimized_constraints->{$coerce_type}->()) {
+ local $_ = $value;
+ return $COERCE->{$pkg}->{$type}->{$coerce_type}->();
+ }
+ }
+warn Dumper($COERCE);
+ return $value;
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ my $optimized_constraints = {
Any => sub { 1 },
Item => sub { 1 },
Bool => sub {
Object => sub { blessed($_) && blessed($_) ne 'Regexp' },
+ sub optimized_constraints {
+ my($class, $pkg) = @_;
+ my $subtypes = $SUBTYPE->{$pkg} || {};
+ return { %{ $subtypes }, %{ $optimized_constraints } };
+ }