# and also loads the ToFold SWASH.
# (Swashes are cached internally by perl in PL_utf8_* variables
# independent of being inside/outside of Safe. So once loaded they can be)
-do { my $unicode = pack('U',0xC4).'1a'; $unicode =~ /\xE4/i; };
+do { my $a = pack('U',0xC4); my $b = chr 0xE4; utf8::upgrade $b; $a =~ /$b/i };
# now we can safely include utf8::SWASHNEW in $default_share defined below.
my $default_root = 0;
my $safe = Safe->new('PLPerl');
# Expression that triggers require utf8 and call to SWASHNEW.
# Fails with "Undefined subroutine PLPerl::utf8::SWASHNEW called"
# if SWASHNEW is not shared, else returns true if unicode logic is working.
-my $trigger = q{ my $a = pack('U',0xC4); $a =~ /\\xE4/i };
+my $trigger = q{ my $a = pack('U',0xC4); my $b = chr 0xE4; utf8::upgrade $b; $a =~ /$b/i };
ok $safe->reval( $trigger ), 'trigger expression should return true';
is $@, '', 'trigger expression should not die';