package DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies;
-use warnings;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
+### This may look crazy, but it in fact tangibly ( by 50(!)% ) shortens
+# the skip-test time when everything requested is unavailable
+ require warnings and warnings->import;
+ require strict and strict->import;
+ }
-# Stolen from DBIx::Class
+sub croak {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak(@_);
# This module is to be loaded by Makefile.PM on a pristine system
# POD is generated automatically by calling _gen_pod from the
# Makefile.PL in $AUTHOR mode
-my $reqs = {
- dist => {
- #'Module::Install::Pod::Inherit' => '0.01',
- },
- use_moose => {
- req => {
- 'Moose' => '1.12',
- 'MooseX::NonMoose' => '0.25',
- 'namespace::autoclean' => '0.09',
- 'MooseX::MarkAsMethods' => '0.13',
- },
- pod => {
- title => 'use_moose',
- desc => 'Modules required for the use_moose option',
- },
- },
- dbicdump_config => {
- req => {
- 'Config::Any' => '0',
- },
- pod => {
- title => 'dbicdump config file',
- desc => 'Modules required for using a config file with dbicdump',
- },
- },
- test_dbicdump_config => {
- req => {
- 'Config::Any' => '0',
- 'Config::General' => '0',
- },
- pod => {
- title => 'dbicdump config file testing',
- desc => 'Modules required for using testing using a config file with dbicdump',
- },
- },
- test_pod => {
- req => {
- 'Test::Pod' => '1.14',
- 'Pod::Simple' => '3.22',
- },
- pod => {
- title => 'POD testing',
- desc => 'Modules required for testing POD in this distribution',
- },
+my $dbic_reqs = {
+ use_moose => {
+ req => {
+ 'Moose' => '1.12',
+ 'MooseX::NonMoose' => '0.25',
+ 'namespace::autoclean' => '0.09',
+ 'MooseX::MarkAsMethods' => '0.13',
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'use_moose',
+ desc => 'Modules required for the use_moose option',
+ },
+ },
+ dbicdump_config => {
+ req => {
+ 'Config::Any' => '0',
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'dbicdump config file',
+ desc => 'Modules required for using a config file with dbicdump',
+ },
+ },
+ test_dbicdump_config => {
+ include => 'dbicdump_config',
+ req => {
+ 'Config::General' => '0',
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'dbicdump config file testing',
+ desc => 'Modules required for using testing using a config file with dbicdump',
+ },
+ },
+ _rdbms_generic_odbc => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::ODBC' => 0,
+ }
+ },
+ _rdbms_generic_ado => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::ADO' => 0,
+ }
+ },
+ # must list any dep used by adhoc testing
+ # this prevents the "skips due to forgotten deps" issue
+ test_adhoc => {
+ req => {
+ },
+ },
+ id_shortener => {
+ req => {
+ 'Math::BigInt' => '1.80',
+ 'Math::Base36' => '0.07',
+ },
+ },
+ test_pod => {
+ req => {
+ 'Test::Pod' => '1.14',
+ 'Pod::Simple' => '3.22',
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'POD testing',
+ desc => 'Modules required for testing POD in this distribution',
+ },
+ release_testing_mandatory => 1,
+ },
+ test_podcoverage => {
+ req => {
+ 'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '1.08',
+ 'Pod::Coverage' => '0.20',
+ },
+ release_testing_mandatory => 1,
+ },
+ test_whitespace => {
+ req => {
+ 'Test::EOL' => '1.0',
+ 'Test::NoTabs' => '0.9',
+ },
+ release_testing_mandatory => 1,
+ },
+ test_strictures => {
+ req => {
+ 'Test::Strict' => '0.20',
+ },
+ release_testing_mandatory => 1,
+ },
+ test_backcompat => {
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ # this is just for completeness as SQLite
+ # is a core dep of DBIC for testing
+ rdbms_sqlite => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::SQLite' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'SQLite support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to SQLite',
+ },
+ augment => {
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_pg => {
+ req => {
+ # when changing this list make sure to adjust xt/optional_deps.t
+ 'DBD::Pg' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'PostgreSQL support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to PostgreSQL',
+ },
+ },
+ _rdbms_mssql_common => {
+ },
+ rdbms_mssql_odbc => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_odbc _rdbms_mssql_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MSSQL support via DBD::ODBC',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MSSQL via DBD::ODBC',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_mssql_sybase => {
+ include => '_rdbms_mssql_common',
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Sybase' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MSSQL support via DBD::Sybase',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MSSQL via DBD::Sybase',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_mssql_ado => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_ado _rdbms_mssql_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MSSQL support via DBD::ADO (Windows only)',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MSSQL via DBD::ADO. This particular DBD is available on Windows only',
+ },
+ },
+ _rdbms_msaccess_common => {
+ },
+ rdbms_msaccess_odbc => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_odbc _rdbms_msaccess_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MS Access support via DBD::ODBC',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MS Access via DBD::ODBC',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_msaccess_ado => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_ado _rdbms_msaccess_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MS Access support via DBD::ADO (Windows only)',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MS Access via DBD::ADO. This particular DBD is available on Windows only',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_mysql => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::mysql' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'MySQL support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to MySQL',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_oracle => {
+ include => 'id_shortener',
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Oracle' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Oracle support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Oracle',
+ },
+ augment => {
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_ase => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Sybase' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Sybase ASE support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Sybase ASE',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_db2 => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::DB2' => 0,
+ pod => {
+ title => 'DB2 support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to DB2',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_informix => {
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Informix' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Informix support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Informix',
+ },
+ },
+ _rdbms_sqlanywhere_common => {
+ },
+ rdbms_sqlanywhere => {
+ include => '_rdbms_sqlanywhere_common',
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::SQLAnywhere' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'SQLAnywhere support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to SQLAnywhere',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_sqlanywhere_odbc => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_odbc _rdbms_sqlanywhere_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'SQLAnywhere support via DBD::ODBC',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to SQLAnywhere via DBD::ODBC',
+ },
+ },
+ _rdbms_firebird_common => {
+ },
+ rdbms_firebird => {
+ include => '_rdbms_firebird_common',
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Firebird' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Firebird support',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Firebird',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_firebird_interbase => {
+ include => '_rdbms_firebird_common',
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::InterBase' => 0,
+ },
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Firebird support via DBD::InterBase',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Firebird via DBD::InterBase',
+ },
+ },
+ rdbms_firebird_odbc => {
+ include => [qw( _rdbms_generic_odbc _rdbms_firebird_common )],
+ pod => {
+ title => 'Firebird support via DBD::ODBC',
+ desc => 'Modules required to connect to Firebird via DBD::ODBC',
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_sqlite => {
+ include => 'rdbms_sqlite',
+ req => {
+ ###
+ ### IMPORTANT - do not raise this dependency
+ ### even though many bugfixes are present in newer versions, the general DBIC
+ ### rule is to bend over backwards for available DBDs (given upgrading them is
+ ### often *not* easy or even possible)
+ ###
+ 'DBD::SQLite' => '1.29',
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_pg => {
+ include => 'rdbms_pg',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ req => {
+ # the order does matter because the rdbms support group might require
+ # a different version that the test group
+ #
+ # when changing this list make sure to adjust xt/optional_deps.t
+ 'DBD::Pg' => '2.009002', # specific version to test bytea
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_mssql_odbc => {
+ include => 'rdbms_mssql_odbc',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_mssql_ado => {
+ include => 'rdbms_mssql_ado',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_mssql_sybase => {
+ include => 'rdbms_mssql_sybase',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_msaccess_odbc => {
+ include => 'rdbms_msaccess_odbc',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ req => {
+ 'Data::GUID' => '0',
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_msaccess_ado => {
+ include => 'rdbms_msaccess_ado',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ req => {
+ 'Data::GUID' => 0,
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_mysql => {
+ include => 'rdbms_mysql',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_oracle => {
+ include => 'rdbms_oracle',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ req => {
+ 'DBD::Oracle' => '1.24',
+ },
+ },
+ test_rdbms_ase => {
+ include => 'rdbms_ase',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_db2 => {
+ include => 'rdbms_db2',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_informix => {
+ include => 'rdbms_informix',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_sqlanywhere => {
+ include => 'rdbms_sqlanywhere',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_sqlanywhere_odbc => {
+ include => 'rdbms_sqlanywhere_odbc',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_firebird => {
+ include => 'rdbms_firebird',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_firebird_interbase => {
+ include => 'rdbms_firebird_interbase',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
+ test_rdbms_firebird_odbc => {
+ include => 'rdbms_firebird_odbc',
+ env => [
+ ],
+ },
-sub req_list_for {
- my ($class, $group) = @_;
- croak "req_list_for() expects a requirement group name"
- unless $group;
- my $deps = $reqs->{$group}{req}
- or croak "Requirement group '$group' does not exist";
+### Public API
- return { %$deps };
+sub import {
+ my $class = shift;
+ if (@_) {
+ my $action = shift;
+ if ($action eq '-die_without') {
+ my $err;
+ {
+ local $@;
+ eval { $class->die_unless_req_ok_for(\@_); 1 }
+ or $err = $@;
+ }
+ die "\n$err\n" if $err;
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq '-list_missing') {
+ print $class->modreq_missing_for(\@_);
+ print "\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq '-skip_all_without') {
+ # sanity check - make sure ->current_test is 0 and no plan has been declared
+ do {
+ local $@;
+ defined eval {
+ Test::Builder->new->current_test
+ or
+ Test::Builder->new->has_plan
+ };
+ } and croak("Unable to invoke -skip_all_without after testing has started");
+ if ( my $missing = $class->req_missing_for(\@_) ) {
+ die ("\nMandatory requirements not satisfied during release-testing: $missing\n\n")
+ if $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} and $class->_groups_to_reqs(\@_)->{release_testing_mandatory};
+ print "1..0 # SKIP requirements not satisfied: $missing\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($action =~ /^-/) {
+ croak "Unknown import-time action '$action'";
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "$class is not an exporter, unable to import '$action'";
+ }
+ }
+ 1;
+sub unimport {
+ croak( __PACKAGE__ . " does not implement unimport" );
-our %req_availability_cache;
-sub req_ok_for {
- my ($class, $group) = @_;
+# OO for (mistakenly considered) ease of extensibility, not due to any need to
+# carry state of any sort. This API is currently used outside, so leave as-is.
+# FIXME - make sure to not propagate this further if module is extracted as a
+# standalone library - keep the stupidity to a DBIC-secific shim!
+sub req_list_for {
+ shift->_groups_to_reqs(shift)->{effective_modreqs};
- croak "req_ok_for() expects a requirement group name"
- unless $group;
+sub modreq_list_for {
+ shift->_groups_to_reqs(shift)->{modreqs};
+sub req_group_list {
+ +{ map
+ { $_ => $_[0]->_groups_to_reqs($_) }
+ grep { $_ !~ /^_/ } keys %$dbic_reqs
+ }
- $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+sub req_errorlist_for { shift->modreq_errorlist_for(shift) } # deprecated
+sub modreq_errorlist_for {
+ my ($self, $groups) = @_;
+ $self->_errorlist_for_modreqs( $self->_groups_to_reqs($groups)->{modreqs} );
- return $req_availability_cache{$group}{status};
+sub req_ok_for {
+ shift->req_missing_for(shift) ? 0 : 1;
sub req_missing_for {
- my ($class, $group) = @_;
+ my ($self, $groups) = @_;
+ my $reqs = $self->_groups_to_reqs($groups);
+ my $mods_missing = $reqs->{missing_envvars}
+ ? $self->_list_physically_missing_modules( $reqs->{modreqs} )
+ : $self->modreq_missing_for($groups)
+ ;
+ return '' if
+ ! $mods_missing
+ and
+ ! $reqs->{missing_envvars}
+ ;
+ my @res = $mods_missing || ();
+ push @res, 'the following group(s) of environment variables: ' . join ' and ', sort map
+ { __envvar_group_desc($_) }
+ @{$reqs->{missing_envvars}}
+ if $reqs->{missing_envvars};
+ return (
+ ( join ' as well as ', @res )
+ .
+ ( $reqs->{modreqs_fully_documented} ? " (see @{[ ref $self || $self ]} documentation for details)" : '' ),
+ );
- croak "req_missing_for() expects a requirement group name"
- unless $group;
+sub modreq_missing_for {
+ my ($self, $groups) = @_;
- $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+ my $reqs = $self->_groups_to_reqs($groups);
+ my $modreq_errors = $self->_errorlist_for_modreqs($reqs->{modreqs})
+ or return '';
- return $req_availability_cache{$group}{missing};
+ join ' ', map
+ { $reqs->{modreqs}{$_} ? "$_~$reqs->{modreqs}{$_}" : $_ }
+ sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %$modreq_errors
+ ;
-sub req_errorlist_for {
- my ($class, $group) = @_;
+my $tb;
+sub skip_without {
+ my ($self, $groups) = @_;
- croak "req_errorlist_for() expects a requirement group name"
- unless $group;
+ $tb ||= do { local $@; eval { Test::Builder->new } }
+ or croak "Calling skip_without() before loading Test::Builder makes no sense";
- $class->_check_deps ($group) unless $req_availability_cache{$group};
+ if ( my $err = $self->req_missing_for($groups) ) {
+ my ($fn, $ln) = (caller(0))[1,2];
+ $tb->skip("block in $fn around line $ln requires $err");
+ local $^W = 0;
+ last SKIP;
+ }
- return $req_availability_cache{$group}{errorlist};
+ 1;
-sub _check_deps {
- my ($class, $group) = @_;
+sub die_unless_req_ok_for {
+ if (my $err = shift->req_missing_for(shift) ) {
+ die "Unable to continue due to missing requirements: $err\n";
+ }
- my $deps = $class->req_list_for ($group);
- my %errors;
- for my $mod (keys %$deps) {
- if (my $ver = $deps->{$mod}) {
- eval "use $mod $ver ()";
+### Private functions
+# potentially shorten group desc
+sub __envvar_group_desc {
+ my @envs = @{$_[0]};
+ my (@res, $last_prefix);
+ while (my $ev = shift @envs) {
+ my ($pref, $sep, $suff) = split / ([\_\-]) (?= [^\_\-]+ \z )/x, $ev;
+ if ( defined $sep and ($last_prefix||'') eq $pref ) {
+ push @res, "...${sep}${suff}"
else {
- eval "require $mod";
+ push @res, $ev;
- $errors{$mod} = $@ if $@;
+ $last_prefix = $pref if $sep;
- if (keys %errors) {
- my $missing = join (', ', map { $deps->{$_} ? "$_ >= $deps->{$_}" : $_ } (sort keys %errors) );
- $missing .= " (see $class for details)" if $reqs->{$group}{pod};
- $req_availability_cache{$group} = {
- status => 0,
- errorlist => { %errors },
- missing => $missing,
- };
+ join '/', @res;
+my $groupname_re = qr/ [a-z_] [0-9_a-z]* /x;
+my $modname_re = qr/ [A-Z_a-z] [0-9A-Z_a-z]* (?:::[0-9A-Z_a-z]+)* /x;
+my $modver_re = qr/ [0-9]+ (?: \. [0-9]+ )? /x;
+# Expand includes from a random group in a specific order:
+# nonvariable groups first, then their includes, then the variable groups,
+# then their includes.
+# This allows reliably marking the rest of the mod reqs as variable (this is
+# also why variable includes are currently not allowed)
+sub __expand_includes {
+ my ($groups, $seen) = @_;
+ # !! DIFFERENT !! behavior and return depending on invocation mode
+ # (easier to recurse this way)
+ my $is_toplevel = $seen
+ ? 0
+ : !! ($seen = {})
+ ;
+ my ($res_per_type, $missing_envvars);
+ # breadth-first evaluation, with non-variable includes on top
+ for my $g (@$groups) {
+ croak "Invalid requirement group name '$g': only ascii alphanumerics and _ are allowed"
+ if $g !~ qr/ \A $groupname_re \z/x;
+ my $r = $dbic_reqs->{$g}
+ or croak "Requirement group '$g' is not defined";
+ # always do this check *before* the $seen check
+ croak "Group '$g' with variable effective_modreqs can not be specified as an 'include'"
+ if ( $r->{env} and ! $is_toplevel );
+ next if $seen->{$g}++;
+ my $req_type = 'static';
+ if ( my @e = @{$r->{env}||[]} ) {
+ croak "Unexpected 'env' attribute under group '$g' (only allowed in test_* groups)"
+ unless $g =~ /^test_/;
+ croak "Unexpected *odd* list in 'env' under group '$g'"
+ if @e % 2;
+ # deconstruct the whole thing
+ my (@group_envnames_list, $some_envs_required, $some_required_missing);
+ while (@e) {
+ push @group_envnames_list, my $envname = shift @e;
+ # env required or not
+ next unless shift @e;
+ $some_envs_required ||= 1;
+ $some_required_missing ||= (
+ ! defined $ENV{$envname}
+ or
+ ! length $ENV{$envname}
+ );
+ }
+ croak "None of the envvars in group '$g' declared as required, making the requirement moot"
+ unless $some_envs_required;
+ if ($some_required_missing) {
+ push @{$missing_envvars->{$g}}, \@group_envnames_list;
+ $req_type = 'variable';
+ }
+ }
+ push @{$res_per_type->{"base_${req_type}"}}, $g;
+ if (my $i = $dbic_reqs->{$g}{include}) {
+ $i = [ $i ] unless ref $i eq 'ARRAY';
+ croak "Malformed 'include' for group '$g': must be another existing group name or arrayref of existing group names"
+ unless @$i;
+ push @{$res_per_type->{"incs_${req_type}"}}, @$i;
+ }
- else {
- $req_availability_cache{$group} = {
- status => 1,
- errorlist => {},
- missing => '',
- };
+ my @ret = map {
+ @{ $res_per_type->{"base_${_}"} || [] },
+ ( $res_per_type->{"incs_${_}"} ? __expand_includes( $res_per_type->{"incs_${_}"}, $seen ) : () ),
+ } qw(static variable);
+ return ! $is_toplevel ? @ret : do {
+ my $rv = {};
+ $rv->{$_} = {
+ idx => 1 + keys %$rv,
+ missing_envvars => $missing_envvars->{$_},
+ } for @ret;
+ $rv->{$_}{user_requested} = 1 for @$groups;
+ $rv;
+ };
+### Private OO API
+our %req_unavailability_cache;
+# this method is just a lister and envvar/metadata checker - it does not try to load anything
+sub _groups_to_reqs {
+ my ($self, $want) = @_;
+ $want = [ $want || () ]
+ unless ref $want eq 'ARRAY';
+ croak "@{[ (caller(1))[3] ]}() expects a requirement group name or arrayref of group names"
+ unless @$want;
+ my $ret = {
+ modreqs => {},
+ modreqs_fully_documented => 1,
+ };
+ my $groups;
+ for my $piece (@$want) {
+ if ($piece =~ qr/ \A $groupname_re \z /x) {
+ push @$groups, $piece;
+ }
+ elsif ( my ($mod, $ver) = $piece =~ qr/ \A ($modname_re) \>\= ($modver_re) \z /x ) {
+ croak "Ad hoc module specification lists '$mod' twice"
+ if exists $ret->{modreqs}{$mod};
+ croak "Ad hoc module specification '${mod} >= $ver' (or greater) not listed in the test_adhoc optdep group" if (
+ ! defined $dbic_reqs->{test_adhoc}{req}{$mod}
+ or
+ $dbic_reqs->{test_adhoc}{req}{$mod} < $ver
+ );
+ $ret->{modreqs}{$mod} = $ver;
+ $ret->{modreqs_fully_documented} = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ croak "Unsupported argument '$piece' supplied to @{[ (caller(1))[3] ]}()"
+ }
+ my $all_groups = __expand_includes($groups);
+ # pre-assemble list of augmentations, perform basic sanity checks
+ # Note that below we *DO NOT* respect the source/target reationship, but
+ # instead always default to augment the "later" group
+ # This is done so that the "stable/variable" boundary keeps working as
+ # expected
+ my $augmentations;
+ for my $requesting_group (keys %$all_groups) {
+ if (my $ag = $dbic_reqs->{$requesting_group}{augment}) {
+ for my $target_group (keys %$ag) {
+ croak "Group '$requesting_group' claims to augment a non-existent group '$target_group'"
+ unless $dbic_reqs->{$target_group};
+ croak "Augmentation combined with variable effective_modreqs currently unsupported for group '$requesting_group'"
+ if $dbic_reqs->{$requesting_group}{env};
+ croak "Augmentation of group '$target_group' with variable effective_modreqs unsupported (requested by '$requesting_group')"
+ if $dbic_reqs->{$target_group}{env};
+ if (my @foreign = grep { $_ ne 'req' } keys %{$ag->{$target_group}} ) {
+ croak "Only 'req' augmentations are currently supported (group '$requesting_group' attempts to alter '$foreign[0]' of group '$target_group'";
+ }
+ $ret->{augments}{$target_group} = 1;
+ # no augmentation for stuff that hasn't been selected
+ if ( $all_groups->{$target_group} and my $ar = $ag->{$target_group}{req} ) {
+ push @{$augmentations->{
+ ( $all_groups->{$requesting_group}{idx} < $all_groups->{$target_group}{idx} )
+ ? $target_group
+ : $requesting_group
+ }}, $ar;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $group (sort { $all_groups->{$a}{idx} <=> $all_groups->{$b}{idx} } keys %$all_groups ) {
+ my $group_reqs = $dbic_reqs->{$group}{req};
+ # sanity-check
+ for my $req_bag ($group_reqs, @{ $augmentations->{$group} || [] } ) {
+ for (keys %$req_bag) {
+ $_ =~ / \A $modname_re \z /x
+ or croak "Requirement '$_' in group '$group' is not a valid module name";
+ # !!!DO NOT CHANGE!!!
+ # remember - may not be available on the system
+ croak "Requirement '$_' in group '$group' specifies an invalid version '$req_bag->{$_}' (only plain non-underscored floating point decimals are supported)"
+ if ( ($req_bag->{$_}||0) !~ qr/ \A $modver_re \z /x );
+ }
+ }
+ if (my $e = $all_groups->{$group}{missing_envvars}) {
+ push @{$ret->{missing_envvars}}, @$e;
+ }
+ # assemble into the final ret
+ for my $type (
+ 'modreqs',
+ ( $ret->{missing_envvars} ? () : 'effective_modreqs' ),
+ ) {
+ for my $req_bag ($group_reqs, @{ $augmentations->{$group} || [] } ) {
+ for my $mod (keys %$req_bag) {
+ $ret->{$type}{$mod} = $req_bag->{$mod}||0 if (
+ ! exists $ret->{$type}{$mod}
+ or
+ # we sanitized the version to be numeric above - we can just -gt it
+ ($req_bag->{$mod}||0) > $ret->{$type}{$mod}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $ret->{modreqs_fully_documented} &&= !!$dbic_reqs->{$group}{pod}
+ if $all_groups->{$group}{user_requested};
+ $ret->{release_testing_mandatory} ||= !!$dbic_reqs->{$group}{release_testing_mandatory};
+ }
+ return $ret;
-sub req_group_list {
- return { map { $_ => { %{ $reqs->{$_}{req} || {} } } } (keys %$reqs) };
+# this method tries to find/load specified modreqs and returns a hashref of
+# module/loaderror pairs for anything that failed
+sub _errorlist_for_modreqs {
+ # args supposedly already went through _groups_to_reqs and are therefore sanitized
+ # safe to eval at will
+ my ($self, $reqs) = @_;
+ my $ret;
+ for my $m ( keys %$reqs ) {
+ my $v = $reqs->{$m};
+ if (! exists $req_unavailability_cache{$m}{$v} ) {
+ local $@;
+ eval( "require $m;" . ( $v ? "$m->VERSION(q($v))" : '' ) );
+ $req_unavailability_cache{$m}{$v} = $@;
+ }
+ $ret->{$m} = $req_unavailability_cache{$m}{$v}
+ if $req_unavailability_cache{$m}{$v};
+ }
+ $ret;
+# Unlike the above DO NOT try to load anything
+# This is executed when some needed envvars are not available
+# which in turn means a module load will never be reached anyway
+# This is important because some modules (especially DBDs) can be
+# *really* fickle when a require() is attempted, with pretty confusing
+# side-effects (especially on windows)
+sub _list_physically_missing_modules {
+ my ($self, $modreqs) = @_;
+ # in case there is a coderef in @INC there is nothing we can definitively prove
+ # so short circuit directly
+ return '' if grep { length ref $_ } @INC;
+ my @definitely_missing;
+ for my $mod (keys %$modreqs) {
+ (my $fn = $mod . '.pm') =~ s|::|/|g;
+ push @definitely_missing, $mod unless grep
+ # this should work on any combination of slashes
+ { $_ and -d $_ and -f "$_/$fn" and -r "$_/$fn" }
+ @INC
+ ;
+ }
+ join ' ', map
+ { $modreqs->{$_} ? "$_~$modreqs->{$_}" : $_ }
+ sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @definitely_missing
+ ;
# This is to be called by the author only (automatically in Makefile.PL)
sub _gen_pod {
+ my ($class, $distver, $pod_dir) = @_;
- my $class = shift;
- my $modfn = __PACKAGE__ . '.pm';
- $modfn =~ s/\:\:/\//g;
- my $podfn = __FILE__;
- $podfn =~ s/\.pm$/\.pod/;
+ die "No POD root dir supplied" unless $pod_dir;
- my $distver =
- eval { require DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader; DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader->VERSION; }
- ||
- do {
- warn
+ $distver ||=
+ eval {
+ require DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader;
+ DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader->VERSION;
+ } ||
+ die
"\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" .
-'Unable to load the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader module to determine current ' .
-'version, possibly due to missing dependencies. Author-mode autodocumentation ' .
+'Unable to load core DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader module to determine current version, '.
+'possibly due to missing dependencies. Author-mode autodocumentation ' .
"halted\n\n" . $@ .
- ;
- '*UNKNOWN*'; # rv
- }
- my @chunks = (
- <<"EOC",
+ # do not ask for a recent version, use 1.x API calls
+ # this *may* execute on a smoker with old perl or whatnot
+ require File::Path;
+ (my $modfn = __PACKAGE__ . '.pm') =~ s|::|/|g;
+ (my $podfn = "$pod_dir/$modfn") =~ s/\.pm$/\.pod/;
+ (my $dir = $podfn) =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
+ File::Path::mkpath([$dir]);
+ my $moosever = $class->req_list_for('use_moose')->{'Moose'}
+ or die "Hrmm? No Moose dep?";
+ my @chunks;
+ push @chunks, <<"EOC";
##################### A U T O G E N E R A T E D ########################
# will be lost. If you need to change the generated text edit _gen_pod()
# at the end of $modfn
+=head1 NAME
+$class - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors)
- '=head1 NAME',
- "$class - Optional module dependency specifications (for module authors)",
- '=head1 SYNOPSIS',
- <<EOS,
-Somewhere in your build-file (e.g. L<Module::Install>'s Makefile.PL):
+ push @chunks, <<"EOC";
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Somewhere in your build-file (e.g. L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>'s F<Makefile.PL>):
- configure_requires 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader' => '$distver';
+ 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader' => '$distver',
+ };
- require $class;
+ ...
- my \$use_moose_deps = $class->req_list_for ('use_moose');
+ require $class;
+ $class->req_list_for([qw( dbicdump_config rdbms_oracle )]);
+ } || {} };
- for (keys %\$use_moose_deps) {
- requires \$_ => \$use_moose_deps->{\$_};
- }
+ \%{ \$EUMM_ARGS{PREREQ_PM} || {} },
+ };
-Note that there are some caveats regarding C<configure_requires()>, more info
-can be found at L<Module::Install/configure_requires>
- '=head1 DESCRIPTION',
- <<'EOD',
-Some of the features of L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> have external
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(\%EUMM_ARGS);
+B<Note>: The C<eval> protection within the example is due to support for
+requirements during L<the C<configure> build phase|CPAN::Meta::Spec/Phases>
+not being available on a sufficient portion of production installations of
+Perl. Robust support for such dependency requirements is available in the
+L<CPAN> installer only since version C<1.94_56> first made available for
+production with perl version C<5.12>. It is the belief of the current
+maintainer that support for requirements during the C<configure> build phase
+will not be sufficiently ubiquitous until the B<year 2020> at the earliest,
+hence the extra care demonstrated above. It should also be noted that some
+3rd party installers (e.g. L<cpanminus|App::cpanminus>) do the right thing
+with configure requirements independent from the versions of perl and CPAN
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+Some of the less-frequently used features of L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> have external
module dependencies on their own. In order not to burden the average user
-with modules he will never use, these optional dependencies are not included
+with modules they will never use, these optional dependencies are not included
in the base Makefile.PL. Instead an exception with a descriptive message is
-thrown when a specific feature is missing one or several modules required for
-its operation. This module is the central holding place for the current list
-of such dependencies.
- <<'EOD',
-Dependencies are organized in C<groups> and each group can list one or more
-required modules, with an optional minimum version (or 0 for any version).
- );
+thrown when a specific feature can't find one or several modules required for
+its operation. This module is the central holding place for the current list
+of such dependencies, for DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader core authors, and DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader extension
+authors alike.
+Dependencies are organized in L<groups|/CURRENT REQUIREMENT GROUPS> where each
+group can list one or more required modules, with an optional minimum version
+(or 0 for any version). In addition groups prefixed with C<test_> can specify
+a set of environment variables, some (or all) of which are marked as required
+for the group to be considered by L</req_list_for>
+Each group name (or a combination thereof) can be used in the
+L<public methods|/METHODS> as described below.
+ push @chunks, '=head1 CURRENT REQUIREMENT GROUPS';
- for my $group (sort keys %$reqs) {
- my $p = $reqs->{$group}{pod}
- or next;
+ my $standalone_info;
- my $modlist = $reqs->{$group}{req}
- or next;
+ for my $group (sort keys %$dbic_reqs) {
- next unless keys %$modlist;
+ my $info = $standalone_info->{$group} ||= $class->_groups_to_reqs($group);
+ next unless (
+ $info->{modreqs_fully_documented}
+ and
+ ( $info->{augments} or $info->{modreqs} )
+ );
+ my $p = $dbic_reqs->{$group}{pod};
push @chunks, (
"=head2 $p->{title}",
- "$p->{desc}",
+ "=head3 $group",
+ $p->{desc},
- ( map { "=item * $_" . ($modlist->{$_} ? " >= $modlist->{$_}" : '') } (sort keys %$modlist) ),
- '=back',
- "Requirement group: B<$group>",
+ if ( keys %{ $info->{modreqs}||{} } ) {
+ push @chunks, map
+ { "=item * $_" . ($info->{modreqs}{$_} ? " >= $info->{modreqs}{$_}" : '') }
+ ( sort keys %{ $info->{modreqs} } )
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @chunks, '=item * No standalone requirements',
+ }
+ push @chunks, '=back';
+ for my $ag ( sort keys %{ $info->{augments} || {} } ) {
+ my $ag_info = $standalone_info->{$ag} ||= $class->_groups_to_reqs($ag);
+ my $newreqs = $class->modreq_list_for([ $group, $ag ]);
+ for (keys %$newreqs) {
+ delete $newreqs->{$_} if (
+ ( defined $info->{modreqs}{$_} and $info->{modreqs}{$_} == $newreqs->{$_} )
+ or
+ ( defined $ag_info->{modreqs}{$_} and $ag_info->{modreqs}{$_} == $newreqs->{$_} )
+ );
+ }
+ if (keys %$newreqs) {
+ push @chunks, (
+ "Combined with L</$ag> additionally requires:",
+ '=over',
+ ( map
+ { "=item * $_" . ($newreqs->{$_} ? " >= $newreqs->{$_}" : '') }
+ ( sort keys %$newreqs )
+ ),
+ '=back',
+ );
+ }
+ }
- push @chunks, (
- '=head1 METHODS',
- '=head2 req_group_list',
- '=over',
- '=item Arguments: $none',
- '=item Returns: \%list_of_requirement_groups',
- '=back',
- <<EOD,
-This method should be used by DBIx::Class packagers, to get a hashref of all
-dependencies keyed by dependency group. Each key (group name) can be supplied
-to one of the group-specific methods below.
- '=head2 req_list_for',
- '=over',
- '=item Arguments: $group_name',
- '=item Returns: \%list_of_module_version_pairs',
- '=back',
- <<EOD,
-This method should be used by DBIx::Class extension authors, to determine the
-version of modules a specific feature requires in the B<current> version of
-L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>. See the L</SYNOPSIS> for a real-world
- '=head2 req_ok_for',
- '=over',
- '=item Arguments: $group_name',
- '=item Returns: 1|0',
- '=back',
- 'Returns true or false depending on whether all modules required by C<$group_name> are present on the system and loadable',
- '=head2 req_missing_for',
- '=over',
- '=item Arguments: $group_name',
- '=item Returns: $error_message_string',
- '=back',
- <<EOD,
-Returns a single line string suitable for inclusion in larger error messages.
-This method would normally be used by L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>
-maintainers, to indicate to the user that he needs to install specific modules
-before he will be able to use a specific feature.
-For example if some of the requirements for C<use_moose> are not available,
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+Even though this module is not an L<Exporter>, it recognizes several C<actions>
+supplied to its C<import> method.
+=head2 -skip_all_without
+=item Arguments: @group_names
+A convenience wrapper for use during testing:
+ push @chunks, " use $class -skip_all_without => qw(admin test_rdbms_mysql);";
+ push @chunks, 'Roughly equivalent to the following code:';
+ push @chunks, sprintf <<'EOS', ($class) x 2;
+ require %s;
+ if ( my $missing = %s->req_missing_for(\@group_names_) ) {
+ print "1..0 # SKIP requirements not satisfied: $missing\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+It also takes into account the C<RELEASE_TESTING> environment variable and
+behaves like L</-die_without> for any requirement groups marked as
+=head2 -die_without
+=item Arguments: @group_names
+A convenience wrapper around L</die_unless_req_ok_for>:
+ push @chunks, " use $class -die_without => qw(deploy admin);";
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+=head2 -list_missing
+=item Arguments: @group_names
+A convenience wrapper around L</modreq_missing_for>:
+ perl -Ilib -MDBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies=-list_missing,dbicdump_config,rdbms_oracle | cpanm
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 req_group_list
+=item Arguments: none
+=item Return Value: \%list_of_requirement_groups
+This method should be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader packagers, to get a hashref of all
+dependencies B<keyed> by dependency group. Each key (group name), or a combination
+thereof (as an arrayref) can be supplied to the methods below.
+The B<values> of the returned hash are currently a set of options B<without a
+well defined structure>. If you have use for any of the contents - contact the
+maintainers, instead of treating this as public (left alone stable) API.
+=head2 req_list_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: \%set_of_module_version_pairs
+This method should be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader extension authors, to determine the
+version of modules a specific set of features requires for this version of
+DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (regardless of their availability on the system).
+See the L</SYNOPSIS> for a real-world example.
+When handling C<test_*> groups this method behaves B<differently> from
+L</modreq_list_for> below (and is the only such inconsistency among the
+C<req_*> methods). If a particular group declares as requirements some
+C<environment variables> and these requirements are not satisfied (the envvars
+are unset) - then the C<module requirements> of this group are not included in
+the returned list.
+=head2 modreq_list_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: \%set_of_module_version_pairs
+Same as L</req_list_for> but does not take into consideration any
+C<environment variable requirements> - returns just the list of required
+=head2 req_ok_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: 1|0
+Returns true or false depending on whether all modules/envvars required by
+the group(s) are loadable/set on the system.
+=head2 req_missing_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: $error_message_string
+Returns a single-line string suitable for inclusion in larger error messages.
+This method would normally be used by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader core features, to indicate to
+the user that they need to install specific modules and/or set specific
+environment variables before being able to use a specific feature set.
+For example if some of the requirements for C<deploy> are not available,
the returned string could look like:
- Moose >= 0 (see use_moose for details)
+ push @chunks, qq{ "Moose~$moosever" (see $class documentation for details)};
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
The author is expected to prepend the necessary text to this message before
-returning the actual error seen by the user.
- '=head2 req_errorlist_for',
- '=over',
- '=item Arguments: $group_name',
- '=item Returns: \%list_of_loaderrors_per_module',
- '=back',
- <<'EOD',
+returning the actual error seen by the user. See also L</modreq_missing_for>
+=head2 modreq_missing_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: $error_message_string
+Same as L</req_missing_for> except that the error string is guaranteed to be
+either empty, or contain a set of module requirement specifications suitable
+for piping to e.g. L<cpanminus|App::cpanminus>. The method explicitly does not
+attempt to validate the state of required environment variables (if any).
+For instance if some of the requirements for C<deploy> are not available,
+the returned string could look like:
+ push @chunks, qq{ "Moose~$moosever"};
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+See also L</-list_missing>.
+=head2 skip_without
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+A convenience wrapper around L<skip|Test::More/SKIP>. It does not take neither
+a reason (it is generated by L</req_missing_for>) nor an amount of skipped tests
+(it is always C<1>, thus mandating unconditional use of
+L<done_testing|Test::More/done_testing>). Most useful in combination with ad hoc
+requirement specifications:
+ push @chunks, <<EOC;
+ SKIP: {
+ $class->skip_without([ deploy YAML>=0.90 ]);
+ ...
+ }
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+=head2 die_unless_req_ok_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+Checks if L</req_ok_for> passes for the supplied group(s), and
+in case of failure throws an exception including the information
+from L</req_missing_for>. See also L</-die_without>.
+=head2 modreq_errorlist_for
+=item Arguments: $group_name | \@group_names
+=item Return Value: \%set_of_loaderrors_per_module
Returns a hashref containing the actual errors that occurred while attempting
-to load each module in the requirement group.
- '=head1 AUTHOR',
- 'See L<DBIx::Class/CONTRIBUTORS>.',
- '=head1 LICENSE',
- 'You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself',
- );
+to load each module in the requirement group(s).
+=head2 req_errorlist_for
+Deprecated method name, equivalent (via proxy) to L</modreq_errorlist_for>.
+ push @chunks, <<'EOC';
+Check the list of L<additional DBIC resources|DBIx::Class/GETTING HELP/SUPPORT>.
+This module is free software L<copyright|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>
+by the L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader (DBICSL) authors|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/AUTHORS>.
+You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the
+L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader library|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>.
- open (my $fh, '>', $podfn) or croak "Unable to write to $podfn: $!";
- print $fh join ("\n\n", @chunks);
- close ($fh);
+ eval {
+ open (my $fh, '>', $podfn) or die;
+ print $fh join ("\n\n", @chunks) or die;
+ print $fh "\n" or die;
+ close ($fh) or die;
+ } or croak( "Unable to write $podfn: " . ( $! || $@ || 'unknown error') );