use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
our $LastUpdate = -M $0;
sub handle_file {
my ($head, $body) = split /__UU__\n/, $str;
die "Can't unpack malformed data in '$file'\n"
- if !$head or !$body;
+ if !$head;
$outstr = unpack 'u', $body;
} else {
open my $outfh, ">", $outfile
or die "Could not open $outfile for writing: $!";
binmode $outfh;
- print $outfh $outstr;
+ ### $outstr might be empty, if the file was empty
+ print $outfh $outstr if $outstr;
close $outfh;
chmod $mode, $outfile;
my $opts = {};
+GetOptions($opts,'u','p','c', 'D', 'm:s','s','d=s','v','h');
die "Can't pack and unpack at the same time!\n", usage()
if $opts->{'u'} && $opts->{'p'};