use SQL::Abstract;
my @tests = (
- #1
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*'],
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test`',
bind => []
- #2
func => 'select',
args => ['test', [qw(one two three)]],
stmt_q => 'SELECT `one`, `two`, `three` FROM `test`',
bind => []
- #3
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => 0 }, [qw/boom bada bing/]],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a = ? ) ORDER BY boom, bada, bing',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? ) ORDER BY `boom`, `bada`, `bing`',
bind => [0]
- },
- #4
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', [ { a => 5 }, { b => 6 } ]],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( a = ? ) OR ( b = ? ) )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( `a` = ? ) OR ( `b` = ? ) )',
bind => [5,6]
- },
- #5
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', undef, ['id']],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` ORDER BY `id`',
bind => []
- },
- #6
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => 'boom' } , ['id']],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a = ? ) ORDER BY id',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? ) ORDER BY `id`',
bind => ['boom']
- },
- #7
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => ['boom', 'bang'] }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( ( a = ? ) OR ( a = ? ) ) )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( ( `a` = ? ) OR ( `a` = ? ) ) )',
bind => ['boom', 'bang']
- },
- #8
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => [[qw/test1 test2/], '*', { 'test1.a' => { 'In', ['boom', 'bang'] } }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test1, test2 WHERE ( test1.a IN ( ?, ? ) )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test1`, `test2` WHERE ( `test1`.`a` IN ( ?, ? ) )',
bind => ['boom', 'bang']
- },
- #9
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => { 'between', ['boom', 'bang'] } }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
bind => ['boom', 'bang']
- },
- #10
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => { '!=', 'boom' } }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a != ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` != ? )',
bind => ['boom']
- },
- #11
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 'boom'}, {a => undef}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ? WHERE ( a IS NULL )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ? WHERE ( `a` IS NULL )',
bind => ['boom']
- },
- #12
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 'boom'}, { a => {'!=', "bang" }} ],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ? WHERE ( a != ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ? WHERE ( `a` != ? )',
bind => ['boom', 'bang']
- },
- #13
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {'a-funny-flavored-candy' => 'yummy', b => 'oops'}, { a42 => "bang" }],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a-funny-flavored-candy = ?, b = ? WHERE ( a42 = ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a-funny-flavored-candy` = ?, `b` = ? WHERE ( `a42` = ? )',
bind => ['yummy', 'oops', 'bang']
- },
- #14
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'delete',
args => ['test', {requestor => undef}],
stmt => 'DELETE FROM test WHERE ( requestor IS NULL )',
stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test` WHERE ( `requestor` IS NULL )',
bind => []
- },
- #15
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'delete',
args => [[qw/test1 test2 test3/],
{ 'test1.field' => \'!= test2.field',
stmt => 'DELETE FROM test1, test2, test3 WHERE ( test1.field != test2.field AND user != ? )',
stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test1`, `test2`, `test3` WHERE ( `test1`.`field` != test2.field AND `user` != ? )', # test2.field is a literal value, cannnot be quoted.
bind => ['nwiger']
- },
- #16
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test (a, b, c, d, e) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- },
- #17
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/]],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- },
- #18
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/, undef]],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/, undef],
- },
- #19
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?, d = ?, e = ?',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?, `c` = ?, `d` = ?, `e` = ?',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- },
- #20
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}, {a => {'in', [1..5]}}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?, d = ?, e = ? WHERE ( a IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?, `c` = ?, `d` = ?, `e` = ? WHERE ( `a` IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) )',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5/],
- },
- #21
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
bind => [qw(1 02/02/02 1 2)],
- },
- #22
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
args => ['test.table', {high_limit => \'max(all_limits)', low_limit => 4} ],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test.table (high_limit, low_limit) VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`table` (`high_limit`, `low_limit`) VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
bind => ['4'],
- },
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
args => ['test.table', [ \'max(all_limits)', 4 ] ],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test.table VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`table` VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
bind => ['4'],
- },
- #23
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test.table', {one => 2, three => 4, five => 6} ],
stmt => 'INSERT INTO test.table (five, one, three) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`table` (`five`, `one`, `three`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
bind => [['five', 6], ['one', 2], ['three', 4]], # alpha order, man...
- },
- #24
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns', case => 'lower'},
args => ['test.table', [qw/one two three/], {one => 2, three => 4, five => 6} ],
stmt => 'select one, two, three from test.table where ( five = ? and one = ? and three = ? )',
stmt_q => 'select `one`, `two`, `three` from `test`.`table` where ( `five` = ? and `one` = ? and `three` = ? )',
bind => [['five', 6], ['one', 2], ['three', 4]], # alpha order, man...
- },
- #25
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns', cmp => 'like'},
args => ['testin.table2', {One => 22, Three => 44, FIVE => 66},
. '( `Beer` LIKE ? AND ( ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) ) AND `Yummy` LIKE ? )',
bind => [['FIVE', 66], ['One', 22], ['Three', 44], ['Beer','is'],
['IT','IS'], ['IT','REALLY'], ['IT','GOOD'], ['Yummy','%YES%']],
- },
- #26
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', {priority => [ -and => {'!=', 2}, { -not_like => '3%'} ]}],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( ( priority != ? ) AND ( priority NOT LIKE ? ) ) )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( ( `priority` != ? ) AND ( `priority` NOT LIKE ? ) ) )',
bind => [qw(2 3%)],
- },
- #27
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
- args => ['Yo Momma', '*', { user => 'nwiger',
+ args => ['Yo Momma', '*', { user => 'nwiger',
-nest => [ workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ] }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM Yo Momma WHERE ( ( ( workhrs > ? ) OR ( geo = ? ) ) AND user = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `Yo Momma` WHERE ( ( ( `workhrs` > ? ) OR ( `geo` = ? ) ) AND `user` = ? )',
bind => [qw(20 ASIA nwiger)],
- },
- #28
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['taco_punches', { one => 2, three => 4 },
{ bland => [ -and => {'!=', 'yes'}, {'!=', 'YES'} ],
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `taco_punches` SET `one` = ?, `three` = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( `face` = ? ) OR ( `face` IS NULL ) ) ) )'
. ' AND ( ( `bland` != ? ) AND ( `bland` != ? ) ) AND ( ( `tasty` != ? ) OR ( `tasty` != ? ) ) )',
bind => [qw(2 4 mr.happy yes YES yes YES)],
- },
- #29
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'select',
args => ['jeff', '*', { name => {'ilike', '%smith%', -not_in => ['Nate','Jim','Bob','Sally']},
-nest => [ -or => [ -and => [age => { -between => [20,30] }, age => {'!=', 25} ],
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `jeff` WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( `age` BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND ( `age` != ? ) ) ) OR ( `yob` < ? ) ) ) )'
. ' AND `name` NOT IN ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) AND `name` ILIKE ? )',
bind => [qw(20 30 25 1976 Nate Jim Bob Sally %smith%)]
- },
- #30
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
# LDNOTE : removed the "-maybe", because we no longer admit unknown ops
. ' OR ( ( ( ( `firsttime` = ? ) OR ( `firsttime` IS NULL ) ) ) ) OR ( ( ( `firstname` NOT LIKE ? ) ) AND ( `lastname` IN ( ?, ?, ? ) ) ) )',
bind => [qw(4 black white asian yes candace jugs canyon towers)]
- #31
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\'))',
bind => [qw(1 02/02/02)],
- #32
func => 'select',
# LDNOTE: modified test below because we agreed with MST that literal SQL
stmt_q => q{SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY') )},
bind => ['02/02/02'],
- #33
func => 'insert',
new => {array_datatypes => 1},
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, ?)',
bind => [1, [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]],
- #34
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns', array_datatypes => 1},
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, ?)',
bind => [[a => 1], [b => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]]],
- #35
func => 'update',
new => {array_datatypes => 1},
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?',
bind => [1, [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]],
- #36
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns', array_datatypes => 1},
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?',
bind => [[a => 1], [b => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]]],
- #37
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => {'>', \'1 + 1'}, b => 8 }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a > 1 + 1 AND b = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` > 1 + 1 AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [8],
- },
- #38
+ },
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => {'<' => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, b => 8 }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a < to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AND b = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` < to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AND `b` = ? )',
bind => ['02/02/02', 8],
- },
- #39
+ },
{ #TODO in SQLA >= 2.0 it will die instead (we kept this just because old SQLA passed it through)
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => { answer => 42 }}],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4/, { answer => 42}],
warning_like => qr/HASH ref as bind value in insert is not supported/i,
- },
- #40
- {
+ },
+ {
func => 'update',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["42"]}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = 42 WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = 42 WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
bind => [qw(1 1 2)],
- },
- #41
+ },
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["42"]}],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, 42)',
bind => [qw(1)],
- #42
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => \["= 42"], b => 1}],
stmt_q => q{SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = 42 ) AND ( `b` = ? )},
bind => [qw(1)],
- #43
func => 'select',
args => ['test', '*', { a => {'<' => \["42"]}, b => 8 }],
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a < 42 AND b = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` < 42 AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [qw(8)],
- },
- #44
+ },
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\'))',
bind => [[a => '1'], [dummy => '02/02/02']],
- #45
- {
+ {
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", [dummy => '02/02/02']]}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
bind => [[a => '1'], [dummy => '02/02/02'], [a => '1'], [a => '2']],
- },
- #46
+ },
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => q{SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY') )},
bind => [[dummy => '02/02/02']],
- #47
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a < to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AND b = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` < to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [[dummy => '02/02/02'], [b => 8]],
- },
- #48
+ },
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}],
exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
- #49
- {
+ {
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
- },
- #49
+ },
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => \["= to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}],
exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
- #50
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => {'<' => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, b => 8 }],
exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
- },
- #51
+ },
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a IN (SELECT d FROM to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AS d) AND b = ? )',
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` IN (SELECT d FROM to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AS d) AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [[dummy => '02/02/02'], [b => 8]],
- },
- #52
+ },
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', '*', { a => {-in => \["(SELECT d FROM to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY') AS d)", '02/02/02']}, b => 8 }],
exception_like => qr/bindtype 'columns' selected, you need to pass: \[column_name => bind_value\]/,
- },
- #53
+ },
func => 'insert',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`) VALUES (?, to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\'))',
bind => [[a => '1'], [{dummy => 1} => '02/02/02']],
- #54
- {
+ {
func => 'update',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
args => ['test', {a => 1, b => \["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", [{dummy => 1} => '02/02/02']]}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
bind => [[a => '1'], [{dummy => 1} => '02/02/02'], [a => '1'], [a => '2']],
- },
- #55
+ },
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => q{SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY') )},
bind => [[{dummy => 1} => '02/02/02']],
- #56
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` < to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [[{dummy => 1} => '02/02/02'], [b => 8]],
- #57
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? AND `b` = ? ) OR ( `c` = ? AND `d` = ? )',
bind => [[a => 'a'], [b => 'b'], [ c => 'c'],[ d => 'd']],
- #58
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? AND `b` = ? ) OR ( `a` = ? OR `b` = ? )',
bind => [[a => 1], [b => 1], [ a => 2], [ b => 2]],
- #59
func => 'select',
new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? OR `b` = ? ) OR ( `a` = ? AND `b` = ? )',
bind => [[a => 1], [b => 1], [ a => 2], [ b => 2]],
- #60
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], { returning => 'id' }],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING `id`',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- #60
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], { returning => 'id, foo, bar' }],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING `id, foo, bar`',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- #61
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], { returning => [qw(id foo bar) ] }],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING `id`, `foo`, `bar`',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- #62
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], { returning => \'id, foo, bar' }],
stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) RETURNING id, foo, bar',
bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
- #63
func => 'insert',
args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/], { returning => \'id' }],