--- /dev/null
+package MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Plugin::Restart::Auto;
+use Moose::Role;
+use MooseX::Types;
+use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(ArrayRef RegexpRef Any Str);
+use MooseX::Types::Path::Class qw(Dir);
+use File::ChangeNotify;
+# coerce ArrayRef[Dir], from ArrayRef[Any], via {[
+# map { warn $_; Path::Class::dir($_) } @$_,
+# ]};
+coerce RegexpRef, from Str, via { qr/$_/i };
+use namespace::autoclean;
+with 'MooseX::Runnable::Invocation::Plugin::Restart::Base';
+has 'watch_regexp' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => RegexpRef,
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+ default => sub { qr/^[^.].+[.]pmc?$/i },
+has 'watch_directories' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => ArrayRef[Dir],
+ required => 1,
+ coerce => 1,
+ default => sub { [Path::Class::dir('.')] },
+has 'watcher' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'File::ChangeNotify::Watcher',
+ lazy_build => 1,
+sub _build_initargs_from_cmdline {
+ my ($self, @args) = @_;
+ my $regexp;
+ my @dirs;
+ my $next_type;
+ for my $arg (@args){
+ # if($arg eq '--inc'){
+ # push @dirs, @INC;
+ # }
+ if($arg eq '--dir'){
+ $next_type = 'dir';
+ }
+ elsif($arg eq '--regexp' || $arg eq '--regex'){
+ # i call them regexps, other people call them "regexen" :P
+ $next_type = 'regexp';
+ }
+ elsif($next_type eq 'dir'){
+ push @dirs, $arg;
+ }
+ elsif($next_type eq 'regexp'){
+ $regexp = $arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ confess 'Invalid args passed to Restart::Auto';
+ }
+ }
+ my %result;
+ $result{watch_directories} = [map { Path::Class::dir($_) } @dirs] if @dirs;
+ $result{watch_regexp} = $regexp if $regexp;
+ return \%result;
+sub _build_watcher {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $w = File::ChangeNotify->instantiate_watcher(
+ directories => [map { $_->stringify } @{$self->watch_directories}],
+ filter => $self->watch_regexp,
+ );
+ return $w;
+sub run_parent_loop {
+ my $self = shift;
+ while(1){
+ my @events = $self->watcher->wait_for_events();
+ $self->restart;
+ sleep .5; # "debounce" the notifier
+ }