sub is_immutable { $_[0]->{is_immutable} }
sub is_mutable { !$_[0]->{is_immutable} }
+sub _install_modifier_pp{
+ my( $self, $into, $type, $name, $code ) = @_;
+ my $original = $into->can($name)
+ or $self->throw_error("The method '$name' is not found in the inheritance hierarchy for class $into");
+ my $modifier_table = $self->{modifiers}{$name};
+ if(!$modifier_table){
+ my(@before, @after, @around, $cache, $modified);
+ $cache = $original;
+ $modified = sub {
+ for my $c (@before) { $c->(@_) }
+ if(wantarray){ # list context
+ my @rval = $cache->(@_);
+ for my $c(@after){ $c->(@_) }
+ return @rval;
+ }
+ elsif(defined wantarray){ # scalar context
+ my $rval = $cache->(@_);
+ for my $c(@after){ $c->(@_) }
+ return $rval;
+ }
+ else{ # void context
+ $cache->(@_);
+ for my $c(@after){ $c->(@_) }
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ $self->{modifiers}{$name} = $modifier_table = {
+ original => $original,
+ before => \@before,
+ after => \@after,
+ around => \@around,
+ cache => \$cache, # cache for around modifiers
+ };
+ $self->add_method($name => $modified);
+ }
+ if($type eq 'before'){
+ unshift @{$modifier_table->{before}}, $code;
+ }
+ elsif($type eq 'after'){
+ push @{$modifier_table->{after}}, $code;
+ }
+ else{ # around
+ push @{$modifier_table->{around}}, $code;
+ my $next = ${ $modifier_table->{cache} };
+ ${ $modifier_table->{cache} } = sub{ $code->($next, @_) };
+ }
+ return;
sub _install_modifier {
my ( $self, $into, $type, $name, $code ) = @_;
- # which is modifer class available?
- my $modifier_class = do {
- if (eval "require Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast; 1") {
- 'Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast';
- } elsif (eval "require Class::Method::Modifiers; 1") {
- 'Class::Method::Modifiers';
- } else {
- Carp::croak("Method modifiers require the use of Class::Method::Modifiers or Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast. Please install it from CPAN and file a bug report with this application.");
- }
+ # load Class::Method::Modifiers first
+ my $no_cmm_fast = $ENV{MOUSE_NO_CMM_FAST} || do{
+ local $@;
+ eval q{ require Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast };
+ $@;
- my $modifier = $modifier_class->can('_install_modifier');
- # replace this method itself :)
- {
- no warnings 'redefine';
- *_install_modifier = sub {
+ my $impl;
+ if($no_cmm_fast){
+ $impl = \&_install_modifier_pp;
+ }
+ else{
+ my $install_modifier = Class::Method::Modifiers::Fast->can('_install_modifier');
+ $impl = sub {
my ( $self, $into, $type, $name, $code ) = @_;
- $modifier->(
+ $install_modifier->(
- # call me. for first time.
- $self->_install_modifier( $into, $type, $name, $code );
+ # replace this method itself :)
+ {
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *_install_modifier = $impl;
+ }
+ $self->$impl( $into, $type, $name, $code );
sub add_before_method_modifier {