(possibly empty) parameter list. This syntax denotes a call of the
referenced subroutine, with the given parameters (if any).
-This new syntax follows the pattern of C<$hashref-E<gt>{FOO}> and
-C<$aryref-E<gt>[$foo]>; now, C<&$subref($foo)> may now be written
-C<$subref-E<gt>($foo)>. All of these arrow terms may be chained;
-thus, C<&{$table-E<gt>{FOO}}($bar)> may now be written
+This new syntax follows the pattern of S<C<$hashref-E<gt>{FOO}>> and
+S<C<$aryref-E<gt>[$foo]>>: You may now write S<C<&$subref($foo)>> as
+S<C<$subref-E<gt>($foo)>>. All of these arrow terms may be chained;
+thus, S<C<&{$table-E<gt>{FOO}}($bar)>> may now be written