This method is called after attempting to insert the record into the
database. It gets handed a reference to the return value of the
-insert. That'll either be a true value or a L<Class::ReturnValue>
+insert. That will either be a true value or a L<Class::ReturnValue>
my $ret = $self->__create(%attribs);
- $ok = $self->_run_callback( name => "after_create",
- args => \$ret);
+ $ok = $self->_run_callback( name => "after_create", args => \$ret);
return $ok if (not defined $ok);
if ($class) {
'Jifty::DBI::Record' );
- warn "Before running fitlers my value is ".$attribs{$column_name};
column => $column,
value_ref => \$attribs{$column_name},
- warn "After running fitlers my value is ".$attribs{$column_name};
# Implement 'is distinct' checking
if ( $column->distinct ) {
- if ( $column->type =~ /^(text|longtext|clob|blob|lob|bytea)$/i ) {
- my $bhash = $self->_handle->blob_params( $column_name, $column->type );
- $bhash->{'value'} = $attribs{$column_name};
- $attribs{$column_name} = $bhash;
- }
for my $column ($self->columns) {