sub rebless_instance {
- my ($self, $instance, $new_metaclass) = @_;
- # it's okay (expected, even) to pass in a package name
- unless (blessed $new_metaclass) {
- $new_metaclass = $self->initialize($new_metaclass);
- }
+ my ($self, $instance) = @_;
+ my $old_metaclass = $instance->meta();
my $meta_instance = $self->get_meta_instance();
- # make sure we're reblessing into a subclass
- my $is_subclass = 0;
- for my $superclass ($new_metaclass->linearized_isa) {
- if ($superclass eq $self->name) {
- $is_subclass = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- $is_subclass
- || confess "You may rebless only into a subclass. (". $new_metaclass->name .") is not a subclass of (". $self->name .").";
+ $self->name->isa($old_metaclass->name)
+ || confess "You may rebless only into a subclass. (". $self->name .") is not a subclass of (". $old_metaclass->name .").";
# rebless!
- $meta_instance->rebless_instance_structure($instance, $new_metaclass);
+ $meta_instance->rebless_instance_structure($instance, $self);
# check and upgrade all attributes
my %params = map { $_->name => $meta_instance->get_slot_value($instance, $_->name) }
grep { $meta_instance->is_slot_initialized($instance, $_->name) }
- $new_metaclass->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
+ $self->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
- foreach my $attr ($new_metaclass->compute_all_applicable_attributes) {
+ foreach my $attr ($self->compute_all_applicable_attributes) {
$attr->initialize_instance_slot($meta_instance, $instance, \%params);
is($foo->parent, "parent", 'Parent->parent gives parent');
dies_ok { $foo->child } "Parent->child method doesn't exist";
-$foo->meta->rebless_instance($foo, "Child");
is(blessed($foo), 'Child', 'rebless_instance really reblessed the instance');
is($foo->whoami, "child", 'reblessed->whoami gives child');
is($foo->parent, "parent", 'reblessed->parent gives parent');
is($foo->child, "child", 'reblessed->child gives child');
-throws_ok { $foo->meta->rebless_instance($foo, "LeftField") } qr/You may rebless only into a subclass. \(LeftField\) is not a subclass of \(Child\)\./;
-throws_ok { $foo->meta->rebless_instance($foo, "NonExistent") } qr/You may rebless only into a subclass. \(NonExistent\) is not a subclass of \(Child\)\./;
+throws_ok { LeftField->meta->rebless_instance($foo, "LeftField") }
+ qr/You may rebless only into a subclass. \(LeftField\) is not a subclass of \(Child\)\./;
+throws_ok { Class::MOP::Class->initialize("NonExistent")->rebless_instance($foo) }
+ qr/You may rebless only into a subclass. \(NonExistent\) is not a subclass of \(Child\)\./;
# make sure our ->meta is still sane
my $bar = Parent->new;
is(blessed($bar->meta->new_object), 'Parent', 'new_object gives a Parent');
-$bar->meta->rebless_instance($bar, "Child");
is(blessed($bar), 'Child', "rebless really reblessed");
is(blessed($bar->meta), 'Class::MOP::Class', "meta gives a Class::MOP::Class");
is($bar->meta->name, 'Child', "this Class::MOP::Class instance is for Child");