eval { $hash{'three'} = 3 };
#warn "$@";
-ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access to key 'three' in fixed hash/);
+ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access key 'three' in fixed hash/);
eval { print "# oops" if $hash{'four'}};
#warn "$@";
-ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access to key 'four' in fixed hash/);
+ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access key 'four' in fixed hash/);
eval { $hash{"\x{2323}"} = 3 };
#warn "$@";
-ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access to key '(.*)' in fixed hash/);
+ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access key '(.*)' in fixed hash/);
#ok(ord($1) == 0x2323);
eval { delete $hash{'two'}};
eval { delete $hash{'four'}};
#warn "$@";
-ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access to key 'four' in fixed hash/);
+ok($@ =~ /^Attempt to access key 'four' in fixed hash/);
ok(not exists $hash{'one'});