binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
my( $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass );
+my $filename = 'analysis.csv';
'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
'u|user=s' => \$dbuser,
'p|pass=s' => \$dbpass,
+ 'f|file=s' => \$filename
my %dbopts = ( dsn => $dsn );
my @relation_types = grep { !$collapse{$_} }
qw/ orthographic spelling grammatical lexical transposition repetition
- uncertain other addition deletion wordsimilar unknown /;
+ uncertain other addition deletion wordsimilar unknown source /;
my @resultfields = qw/
- text_name loc_total loc_singleton loc_totalvariant loc_genealogical loc_genvariant
+ text_name loc_total loc_singleton multiparent loc_totalvariant loc_genealogical loc_genvariant
loc_conflict loc_conflictvariant loc_reverted loc_revertvariant /;
map { push( @resultfields, "gen_$_", "con_$_", "rev_$_" ) } @relation_types;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1, quote_null => 0 } );
-open my $fh, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "analysis.csv" or die "analysis.csv: $!";
+open my $fh, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $filename or die "$filename: $!";
if( $csv->combine( @resultfields ) ) {
say $fh $csv->string;
} else {
$datahash{loc_total} = $result->{variant_count};
+ $datahash{multiparent} = 0;
#$datahash{loc_genealogical} = $result->{genealogical_count};
#$datahash{loc_conflictvariant} = $result->{conflict_count};
#$datahash{loc_revertvariant} = $result->{reversion_count};
# Add relation stats for reading parents. If the reading is reverted,
# treat it as genealogical for the parent.
+ my $phash = $type eq 'reverted'
+ ? $rdghash->{'reversion_parents'} : $rdghash->{'source_parents'};
_add_reading_relations( $rdghash->{'readingid'}, $loc->{'id'}, $rdg,
- ( $type eq 'reverted' ? 'genealogical' : $type ),
- $rdghash->{'source_parents'}, \%datahash, \@unknown );
- # Add relation stats for reading reversions if they exist.
- if( $type eq 'reverted' ) {
- # Get relationship between reverted readings and their non-matching
- # parents.
- _add_reading_relations( $rdghash->{'readingid'}, $loc->{'id'}, $rdg,
- $type, $rdghash->{'reversion_parents'}, \%datahash, \@unknown );
- }
+ $type, $phash, \%datahash, \@unknown );
if( $loc_conflict ) {
sub _add_reading_relations {
my( $rid, $rank, $robj, $type, $parenthash, $datahash, $unknown ) = @_;
- foreach my $p ( keys %$parenthash ) {
+ my @kp = keys ( %$parenthash );
+ unless( @kp ) {
+ _increment_typekey( $datahash, $type, 'source' );
+ return;
+ }
+ if( @kp > 1 ) {
+ $datahash->{multiparent} = @kp - 1;
+ }
+ foreach my $p ( @kp ) {
my $pdata = $parenthash->{$p};
my $relation;
if( $pdata->{relation} ) {
- $relation = $pdata->{relation}->{type};
+ $relation = $pdata->{relation}->{transposed}
+ ? 'transposition' : $pdata->{relation}->{type};
} else {
$relation = 'unknown';
if( !$robj ) {
push( @$unknown, [ $pdata->{label}, $robj->id, $robj->text, $type ] );
- my $typekey = substr( $type, 0, 3 ) . "_$relation";
- $datahash->{$typekey}++;
- ## TODO distinguish parent-bad vs. rdg-bad
-# if( $robj && $robj->grammar_invalid ) {
-# $datahash->{$typekey.'_ungramm'} = 1;
-# } elsif( $robj && $robj->is_nonsense ) {
-# $datahash->{$typekey.'_nonsense'} = 1;
-# }
+ _increment_typekey( $datahash, $type, $relation );
+ }
+sub _increment_typekey {
+ my( $datahash, $type, $relation ) = @_;
+ my $typekey = substr( $type, 0, 3 ) . "_$relation";
+ unless( exists $datahash->{$typekey} ) {
+ $DB::single = 1;
+ warn "No field for $typekey";
+ $datahash->{$typekey}++;
+# # TODO distinguish parent-bad vs. rdg-bad
+# if( $robj && $robj->grammar_invalid ) {
+# $datahash->{$typekey.'_ungramm'} = 1;
+# } elsif( $robj && $robj->is_nonsense ) {
+# $datahash->{$typekey.'_nonsense'} = 1;
+# }
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use feature 'say';
+use lib 'lib';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Set::Scalar;
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+use Text::Tradition::Analysis qw/ group_variants /;
+use Text::Tradition::Directory;
+use TryCatch;
+binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
+binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
+my( $dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass );
+my $filename = 'magnitude.csv';
+ 'dsn=s' => \$dsn,
+ 'u|user=s' => \$dbuser,
+ 'p|pass=s' => \$dbpass,
+ 'f|file=s' => \$filename
+my %dbopts = ( dsn => $dsn );
+if( $dbuser || $dbpass ) {
+ $dbopts{extra_args} = { user => $dbuser, password => $dbpass }
+my $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( %dbopts );
+my $scope = $dir->new_scope();
+my $lookfor = shift @ARGV || '';
+my $collapse = Set::Scalar->new();
+if( @ARGV ) {
+ say "Merging relationship types @ARGV";
+ map { $collapse->insert($_) } @ARGV;
+my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1, quote_null => 0 } );
+open my $fh, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", $filename or die "$filename: $!";
+foreach my $tinfo( $dir->traditionlist ) {
+ next if $tinfo->{'name'} eq 'xxxxx';
+ next if $tinfo->{'name'} =~ /158/;
+ next if $tinfo->{'name'} =~ /Heinrichi part/;
+ if( $lookfor ) {
+ next unless $tinfo->{'id'} eq $lookfor
+ || $tinfo->{'name'} =~ /$lookfor/;
+ }
+ my $tradition = $dir->lookup( $tinfo->{'id'} );
+ say "Counting variation in tradition " . $tradition->name;
+ # Group the variants for each rank, and count the number of
+ # reading groupings.
+ my $lcph = Set::Scalar->new(); # placeholder for lacunae
+ my $moved = {};
+ my %magnitudes;
+ my $max = 1;
+ foreach my $rk ( 1 .. $tradition->collation->end->rank ) {
+ my $missing = $lcph->clone();
+ my $rankgroup = group_variants( $tradition, $rk, $missing, $moved, $collapse );
+ my $numr = scalar keys %$rankgroup;
+ $numr++ if $missing->size;
+ $max = $numr if $numr > $max;
+ if( exists $magnitudes{$numr} ) {
+ $magnitudes{$numr}++
+ } else {
+ $magnitudes{$numr} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ # Write them out to CSV.
+ my @csvalues = map { $magnitudes{$_} || 0 } 2..$max;
+ if( $csv->combine( $tradition->name, @csvalues ) ) {
+ say $fh $csv->string;
+ } else {
+ say "combine() failed on argument: " . $csv->error_input;
+ }
+close $fh;