# This table is taken near verbatim from Pod::PlainText in Pod::Parser,
# which got it near verbatim from the original Pod::Text. It is therefore
# credited to Tom Christiansen, and I'm glad I didn't have to write it. :)
+# "iexcl" to "divide" added by Tim Jenness
'amp' => '&', # ampersand
'lt' => '<', # left chevron, less-than
"yacute" => "\xFD", # small y, acute accent
"yuml" => "\xFF", # small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
- "lchevron" => "\xAB", # left chevron (double less than)
- "rchevron" => "\xBB", # right chevron (double greater than)
+ "lchevron" => "\xAB", # left chevron (double less than) laquo
+ "rchevron" => "\xBB", # right chevron (double greater than) raquo
+ "iexcl" => "\xA1", # inverted exclamation mark
+ "cent" => "\xA2", # cent sign
+ "pound" => "\xA3", # (UK) pound sign
+ "curren" => "\xA4", # currency sign
+ "yen" => "\xA5", # yen sign
+ "brvbar" => "\xA6", # broken vertical bar
+ "sect" => "\xA7", # section sign
+ "uml" => "\xA8", # diaresis
+ "copy" => "\xA9", # Copyright symbol
+ "ordf" => "\xAA", # feminine ordinal indicator
+ "laquo" => "\xAB", # left pointing double angle quotation mark
+ "not" => "\xAC", # not sign
+ "shy" => "\xAD", # soft hyphen
+ "reg" => "\xAE", # registered trademark
+ "macr" => "\xAF", # macron, overline
+ "deg" => "\xB0", # degree sign
+ "plusmn" => "\xB1", # plus-minus sign
+ "sup2" => "\xB2", # superscript 2
+ "sup3" => "\xB3", # superscript 3
+ "acute" => "\xB4", # acute accent
+ "micro" => "\xB5", # micro sign
+ "para" => "\xB6", # pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
+ "middot" => "\xB7", # middle dot = Georgian comma
+ "cedil" => "\xB8", # cedilla
+ "sup1" => "\xB9", # superscript 1
+ "ordm" => "\xBA", # masculine ordinal indicator
+ "raquo" => "\xBB", # right pointing double angle quotation mark
+ "frac14" => "\xBC", # vulgar fraction one quarter
+ "frac12" => "\xBD", # vulgar fraction one half
+ "frac34" => "\xBE", # vulgar fraction three quarters
+ "iquest" => "\xBF", # inverted question mark
+ "times" => "\xD7", # multiplication sign
+ "divide" => "\xF7", # division sign