Changes the use placeholders in ::DBI _table_comment and _column_comment
methods to inline $dbh->quote protected values.
This is for DBD::Sybase with ASE versions that do not support
placeholders and MSSQL connections with a low tds version.
At some point we'll have methods for doing queries that do the right
thing depending on what the driver/database supports.
my $comments_table = $self->table_comments_table;
- my ($comment) = try { $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF", {}, $table->name) };
+ my ($comment) = try { $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF") };
SELECT comment_text
FROM $comments_table
-WHERE table_name = ?
+WHERE table_name = @{[ $self->dbh->quote($table->name) ]}
return $comment;
my $comments_table = $self->column_comments_table;
- my ($comment) = try { $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF", {}, $table->name, $column_name) };
+ my ($comment) = try { $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<"EOF") };
SELECT comment_text
FROM $comments_table
-WHERE table_name = ?
-AND column_name = ?
+WHERE table_name = @{[ $self->dbh->quote($table->name) ]}
+AND column_name = @{[ $self->dbh->quote($column_name) ]}
return $comment;