Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
+ - SQLite: introspect ON DELETE/UPDATE and DEFERRABLE clauses
+ - SQLite WARNING: the default for on_delete/on_update is now 'NO ACTION'
+ not 'CASCADE', and the default for is_deferrable is now 0 not 1.
0.07028 2012-08-30 05:32:42
- MSSQL: introspect ON DELETE/UPDATE clauses for foreign keys
- MSSQL WARNING: the default for on_delete/on_update is now 'NO ACTION'
=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Oracle - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI
+DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Oracle - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI
Oracle Implementation.
my $constr_col = $self->_lc($constr->[1]);
push @{$constr_names{$constr_name}}, $constr_col;
my @uniqs = map { [ $_ => $constr_names{$_} ] } keys %constr_names;
return \@uniqs;
($table_comment) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<'EOF', {}, $table->schema, $table->name);
SELECT comments FROM all_tab_comments
-WHERE owner = ?
+WHERE owner = ?
AND table_name = ?
AND (table_type = 'TABLE' OR table_type = 'VIEW')
($column_comment) = $self->dbh->selectrow_array(<<'EOF', {}, $table->schema, $table->name, $self->_uc($column_name));
SELECT comments FROM all_col_comments
-WHERE owner = ?
+WHERE owner = ?
AND table_name = ?
AND column_name = ?
elsif (lc($info->{data_type}) eq 'binary_float') {
$info->{data_type} = 'real';
$info->{original}{data_type} = 'binary_float';
- }
+ }
elsif (lc($info->{data_type}) eq 'binary_double') {
$info->{data_type} = 'double precision';
$info->{original}{data_type} = 'binary_double';
if (not defined $self->preserve_case) {
if ($self->db_schema) {
warn <<'EOF';
db_schema is not supported on SQLite, the option is implemented only for qualify_objects testing.
push @{ $rel->{local_columns} }, $self->_lc($fk->{from});
push @{ $rel->{remote_columns} }, $self->_lc($fk->{to}) if defined $fk->{to};
+ $rel->{attrs} ||= {
+ on_delete => uc $fk->{on_delete},
+ on_update => uc $fk->{on_update},
+ };
warn "This is supposed to be the same rel but remote_table changed from ",
$rel->{remote_table}->name, " to ", $fk->{table}
if $rel->{remote_table}->name ne $fk->{table};
+ # now we need to determine whether each FK is DEFERRABLE, this can only be
+ # done by parsing the DDL from sqlite_master
+ my $ddl = $self->dbh->selectcol_arrayref(<<"EOF", undef, $table->name, $table->name)->[0];
+select sql from sqlite_master
+where name = ? and tbl_name = ?
+ foreach my $fk (@rels) {
+ my $local_cols = '"?' . (join '"? \s* , \s* "?', @{ $fk->{local_columns} }) . '"?';
+ my $remote_cols = '"?' . (join '"? \s* , \s* "?', @{ $fk->{remote_columns} || [] }) . '"?';
+ my ($deferrable_clause) = $ddl =~ /
+ foreign \s+ key \s* \( \s* $local_cols \s* \) \s* references \s* (?:\S+|".+?(?<!")") \s*
+ (?:\( \s* $remote_cols \s* \) \s*)?
+ (?:(?:
+ on \s+ (?:delete|update) \s+ (?:set \s+ null|set \s+ default|cascade|restrict|no \s+ action)
+ |
+ match \s* (?:\S+|".+?(?<!")")
+ ) \s*)*
+ ((?:not)? \s* deferrable)?
+ /sxi;
+ if ($deferrable_clause) {
+ $fk->{attrs}{is_deferrable} = $deferrable_clause =~ /not/i ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fk->{attrs}{is_deferrable} = 0;
+ }
+ }
return \@rels;
+# vim:et sts=4 sw=4 tw=0:
on_connect_do => [ 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON', 'PRAGMA synchronous = OFF', ]
loader_options => { preserve_case => 1 },
+ default_is_deferrable => 0,
+ default_on_clause => 'NO ACTION',
data_types => {
# SQLite ignores data types aside from INTEGER pks.
# We just test that they roundtrip sanely.
PRIMARY KEY (id1, id2)
+ q{
+ create table extra_loader_test8 (
+ id integer primary key
+ )
+ },
+ q{
+ create table extra_loader_test9 (
+ id integer primary key,
+ eight_id int,
+ foreign key (eight_id) references extra_loader_test8(id)
+ on delete restrict on update set null deferrable
+ )
+ },
pre_drop_ddl => [ 'DROP VIEW extra_loader_test5' ],
- drop => [ qw/extra_loader_test1 extra_loader_test2 extra_loader_test3
- extra_loader_test4 extra_loader_test6 extra_loader_test7/ ],
- count => 11,
+ drop => [ qw/extra_loader_test1 extra_loader_test2 extra_loader_test3
+ extra_loader_test4 extra_loader_test6 extra_loader_test7
+ extra_loader_test8 extra_loader_test9 / ],
+ count => 15,
run => sub {
my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_;
isnt $schema->resultset($monikers->{extra_loader_test7})->result_source->column_info('id1')->{is_auto_increment}, 1,
q{composite integer PK with non-integer PK doesn't get marked autoinc};
+ # test on delete/update fk clause introspection
+ ok ((my $rel_info = $schema->source('ExtraLoaderTest9')->relationship_info('eight')),
+ 'got rel info');
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{on_delete}, 'RESTRICT',
+ 'ON DELETE clause introspected correctly';
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{on_update}, 'SET NULL',
+ 'ON UPDATE clause introspected correctly';
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{is_deferrable}, 1,
+ 'DEFERRABLE clause introspected correctly';
- unlink "$tdir/sqlite_test";
+ unlink "$tdir/sqlite_test" unless $ENV{SCHEMA_LOADER_TESTS_NOCLEANUP};