eval { UniqueInt->check(1000) };
like $@,
- qr/Validation failed for 'main::Set' failed with value undef/,
+ qr/Validation failed for 'main::Set' with value undef/,
'Got Expected Error';
eval { UniqueInt->validate(1000) };
like $@,
- qr/Validation failed for 'main::Set' failed with value undef/,
+ qr/Validation failed for 'main::Set' with value undef/,
'Got Expected Error';
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Str Int);
use MooseX::Types -declare=>[qw(Varchar)];
+ ## Create a type constraint that is a string but parameterizes an integer
+ ## that is used as a maximum length constraint on that string, similar to
+ ## an SQL Varchar type.
subtype Varchar,
as Parameterizable[Str,Int],
where {