my $comp_class = "${prefix}::${comp}";
eval "use $comp_class"; # If it fails, assume the user fixed it
if ($@) {
- die $@ unless $@ =~ /Can't locate/;
+ $comp_class =~ s/::/\//g;
+ die $@ unless $@ =~ /Can't locate.+$comp_class\.pm\sin\s\@INC/;
+ warn $@ if $@;
push(@to_register, [ $comp, $comp_class ]);
=head2 txn_do
-=head3 Arguments: <coderef>, [@coderef_args]
+=head3 Arguments: <$coderef>, [@coderef_args]
-Executes <coderef> with (optional) arguments <@coderef_args> transactionally,
-returning its result (if any). If an exception is caught, a rollback is issued
-and the exception is rethrown. If the rollback fails, (i.e. throws an
-exception) an exception is thrown that includes a "Rollback failed" message.
+Executes C<$coderef> with (optional) arguments C<@coderef_args>
+transactionally, returning its result (if any). If an exception is
+caught, a rollback is issued and the exception is rethrown. If the
+rollback fails, (i.e. throws an exception) an exception is thrown that
+includes a "Rollback failed" message.
For example,
-Nested transactions should work as expected (i.e. only the outermost
+Nested transactions work as expected (i.e. only the outermost
transaction will issue a txn_commit on the Schema's storage)
sub _quote {
my ($self, $label) = @_;
return '' unless defined $label;
+ return "*" if $label eq '*';
return $label unless $self->{quote_char};
+ if(ref $self->{quote_char} eq "ARRAY"){
+ return $self->{quote_char}->[0] . $label . $self->{quote_char}->[1]
+ if !defined $self->{name_sep};
+ my $sep = $self->{name_sep};
+ return join($self->{name_sep},
+ map { $self->{quote_char}->[0] . $_ . $self->{quote_char}->[1] }
+ split(/\Q$sep\E/,$label));
+ }
return $self->SUPER::_quote($label);
-sub uuid_class {
- my ($self, $class) = @_;
- if ($class) {
- $class = "DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker$class" if $class =~ /^::/;
- if (!eval "require $class") {
- $self->throw_exception("$class could not be loaded: $@");
- } elsif (!$class->isa('DBIx::Class::UUIDMaker')) {
- $self->throw_exception("$class is not a UUIDMaker subclass");
- } else {
- $self->uuid_maker($class->new);
- };
- };
- return ref $self->uuid_maker;
-sub insert {
- my $self = shift;
- for my $column (@{$self->uuid_auto_columns}) {
- $self->store_column( $column, $self->get_uuid )
- unless defined $self->get_column( $column );
- }
- $self->next::method(@_);
-sub get_uuid {
- return shift->uuid_maker->as_string;
-sub _find_uuid_module {
- if (eval{require Data::UUID}) {
- return '::Data::UUID';
- } elsif ($^O ne 'openbsd' && eval{require APR::UUID}) {
- # APR::UUID on openbsd causes some as yet unfound nastyness for XS
- return '::APR::UUID';
- } elsif (eval{require UUID}) {
- return '::UUID';
- } elsif (eval{
- # squelch the 'too late for INIT' warning in Win32::API::Type
- local $^W = 0;
- require Win32::Guidgen;
- }) {
- return '::Win32::Guidgen';
- } elsif (eval{require Win32API::GUID}) {
- return '::Win32API::GUID';
- } else {
- shift->throw_exception('no suitable uuid module could be found')
- };
-=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns - Implicit uuid columns
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package Artist;
- __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/UUIDColumns Core DB/);
- __PACKAGE__->uuid_columns( 'artist_id' );
-This L<DBIx::Class> component resembles the behaviour of
-L<Class::DBI::UUID>, to make some columns implicitly created as uuid.
-When loaded, C<UUIDColumns> will search for a suitable uuid generation module
-from the following list of supported modules:
- Data::UUID
- Win32::Guidgen
- Win32API::GUID
-If no supporting module can be found, an exception will be thrown.
-*APR::UUID will not be loaded under OpenBSD due to an as yet unidentified XS
-If you would like to use a specific module, you can set C<uuid_class>:
- __PACKAGE__->uuid_class('::Data::UUID');
- __PACKAGE__->uuid_class('MyUUIDGenerator');
-Note that the component needs to be loaded before Core.
-=head1 METHODS
-=head2 uuid_columns(@columns)
-Takes a list of columns to be filled with uuids during insert.
- __PACKAGE__->uuid_columns('id');
=head2 uuid_class($classname)
Takes the name of a UUIDMaker subclass to be used for uuid value generation.