Thanks to @davorg++ for spotting the omission.
Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- Fix Pg date/time types with zero fractional second digits
+ - Add support for nested hashref form of col_accessor_map
0.07043 2015-05-13
- Fix many_to_many bridges with overlapping foreign keys
use Class::Unload;
use Class::Inspector ();
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
+use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column;
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils qw/split_name dumper_squashed eval_package_without_redefine_warnings class_path slurp_file sigwarn_silencer firstidx uniq/;
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Optional::Dependencies ();
use Try::Tiny;
=head2 col_accessor_map
-Same as moniker_map, but for column accessor names. If a coderef is
+Same as moniker_map, but for column accessor names. The nested
+hashref form is traversed according to L</moniker_parts>, with an
+extra level at the bottom for the column name. If a coderef is
passed, the code is called with arguments of
- the name of the column in the underlying database,
+ the DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column object for the column,
default accessor name that DBICSL would ordinarily give this column,
table_class => name of the DBIC class we are building,
coderef ref that can be called with a hashref map
-the L<table object|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table> stringifies to the
-unqualified table name.
+The L<column|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table> and
+L<table|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table> objects stringify to their
+unqualified names.
=head2 rel_name_map
schema_class => $schema_class,
column_info => $info,
+ my $col_obj = DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column->new(
+ table => $table,
+ name => $col,
+ );
- $info->{accessor} = $self->_make_column_accessor_name( $col, $context );
+ $info->{accessor} = $self->_make_column_accessor_name( $col_obj, $context );
$self->_resolve_col_accessor_collisions($table, $col_info);
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base 'Class::Accessor::Grouped';
+use mro 'c3';
+use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
+use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
+use namespace::clean;
+=head1 NAME
+DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Column - Class for Columns in
+Used for representing columns in
+Stringifies to L</name>, and arrayrefifies to the
+L<name_parts|DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table/name_parts> of
+L</table> plus L</name>.
+__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors(simple => qw/
+ table
+ name
+use overload
+ '""' => sub { $_[0]->name },
+ '@{}' => sub { [ @{$_[0]->table->name_parts}, $_[0]->name ] },
+ fallback => 1;
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+The constructor. Takes L</table> and L</name> key-value parameters.
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = { @_ };
+ croak "table is required" unless ref $self->{table};
+ weaken $self->{table};
+ return bless $self, $class;
+=head2 table
+The L</DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Table> object this column belongs to.
+Required parameter for L</new>
+=head2 name
+The name of the column. Required parameter for L</new>.
$num_rescans++ if $self->{vendor} eq 'Firebird';
plan tests => @connect_info *
- (232 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
+ (233 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
foreach my $info_idx (0..$#connect_info) {
my $info = $connect_info[$info_idx];
'fully qualified schema component works';
my @columns_lt2 = $class2->columns;
- is_deeply( \@columns_lt2, [ qw/id dat dat2 set_primary_key can dbix_class_testcomponent dbix_class_testcomponentmap testcomponent_fqn meta test_role_method test_role_for_map_method crumb_crisp_coating/ ], "Column Ordering" );
+ is_deeply( \@columns_lt2, [ qw/id dat dat2 set_primary_key can dbix_class_testcomponent dbix_class_testcomponentmap testcomponent_fqn meta test_role_method test_role_for_map_method crumb_crisp_coating sticky_filling/ ], "Column Ordering" );
is $class2->column_info('can')->{accessor}, 'caught_collision_can',
'accessor for column name that conflicts with a UNIVERSAL method renamed based on col_collision_map';
is( $class2->column_info('crumb_crisp_coating')->{accessor}, 'trivet',
'col_accessor_map is being run' );
+ is( $class2->column_info('sticky_filling')->{accessor}, 'goo',
+ 'multi-level hash col_accessor_map works' );
is $class1->column_info('dat')->{is_nullable}, 0,
'is_nullable=0 detection';
q{ INSERT INTO loader_test1s (dat) VALUES('baz') },
# also test method collision
- # crumb_crisp_coating is for col_accessor_map tests
+ # crumb_crisp_coating and sticky_filling are for col_accessor_map tests
CREATE TABLE loader_test2 (
id $self->{auto_inc_pk},
test_role_method INTEGER $self->{null},
test_role_for_map_method INTEGER $self->{null},
crumb_crisp_coating VARCHAR(32) $self->{null},
+ sticky_filling VARCHAR(32) $self->{null},
UNIQUE (dat2, dat)
) $self->{innodb}
sub test_col_accessor_map {
- my ( $column_name, $default_name, $context ) = @_;
+ my ( $column_name, $default_name, $context, $default_map ) = @_;
if( lc($column_name) eq 'crumb_crisp_coating' ) {
is( $default_name, 'crumb_crisp_coating', 'col_accessor_map was passed the default name' );
return 'trivet';
} else {
- return $default_name;
+ return $default_map->({
+ loader_test2 => {
+ sticky_filling => 'goo',
+ },
+ });