use 5.006002;
+## TEMPORARY (and non-portable)
+## Get the dq stuff
+my $target_libdir;
+ $target_libdir = 'lib/SQL/Abstract/_TempExtlib';
+ if ($Module::Install::AUTHOR or $ENV{TRAVIS}) {
+ `rm -rf $target_libdir`;
+ `mkdir $target_libdir`;
+ for (
+ [ 'Data-Query' => 'master' ],
+ ) {
+ my $tdir = "/tmp/dqlib/$_->[0]/";
+ `rm -rf $tdir`;
+ `GIT_SSH=maint/careless_ssh.bash git clone --bare --quiet --branch=$_->[1] --depth=1 git://$_->[0] $tdir`;
+ printf "\nIncluding %s git rev %s\n",
+ $_->[0],
+ scalar `GIT_DIR=$tdir git rev-parse $_->[1]`,
+ ;
+ `git archive --format=tar --remote=file://$tdir $_->[1] lib/ | tar --strip-components=1 -xC $target_libdir`;
+ #`rm -rf $tdir`;
+ }
+ }
+use lib $target_libdir;
perl_version '5.006002';
name 'SQL-Abstract';
author 'Nathan Wiger <>';
dynamic_config 0;
+# deps for Data::Query
+requires 'SQL::ReservedWords' => '0.8',
+requires 'Safe::Isa' => '1.000003',
requires 'List::Util' => 0;
requires 'Scalar::Util' => 0;
requires 'Getopt::Long::Descriptive' => 0.091;
no_index package => 'DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyPrint';
no_index directory => 'examples';
+no_index package => 'SQL::Abstract::_TempExtlib';
+no_index directory => 'lib/SQL/Abstract/_TempExtlib';
install_script 'format-sql';
--- /dev/null
+package # hide from the pauses
+ SQL::Abstract::_TempExtlib;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Spec;
+our ($HERE) = File::Spec->rel2abs(
+ File::Spec->catdir( (File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__))[1], '_TempExtlib' )
+) =~ /^(.*)$/; # screw you, taint mode
+unshift @INC, $HERE;