and can typically be ignored in most cases). You B<cannot> have a trigger on
a read-only attribute.
-=item I<handles =E<gt> [ @handles ]>
+=item I<handles =E<gt> ARRAY | HASH | REGEXP | CODE>
+The handles option provides Moose classes with automated delegation features.
+This is a pretty complex and powerful option, it accepts many different option
+formats, each with it's own benefits and drawbacks.
+B<NOTE:> This features is no longer experimental, but it still may have subtle
+bugs lurking in the corners. So if you thing you have found a bug, you probably
+have and please report it to me right away.
+B<NOTE:> The class being delegated too does not need to be a Moose based class.
+Which is why this feature is especially useful when wrapping non-Moose classes.
+All handles option formats share the following traits.
+You cannot override a locally defined method with a delegated method, an
+exception will be thrown if you try. Meaning, if you define C<foo> in your
+class, you cannot override it with a delegated C<foo>. This is almost never
+something you would want to do, and if it is, you should do it by hand and
+not use Moose.
+You cannot override any of the methods found in Moose::Object or the C<BUILD> or
+C<DEMOLISH> methods. These will not throw an exception, but will silently
+move on to the next method in the list. My reasoning for this is that, again,
+you would almost never want to do this because it tends to break your class.
+And as with overriding locally defined methods, if you do want to do this,
+you should do it manually and not with Moose.
+Below is the documentation for each option format:
+=over 4
+=item C<ARRAY>
+This is the most common usage for handles. You basically pass a list of
+method names to be delegated, and Moose will install a delegation method
+for each one in the list.
+=item C<HASH>
+This is the second most common usage for handles. Instead of a list of
+method names, you pass a HASH ref where the key is the method name you
+want installed locally, and the value is the name of the original method
+in the class being delegated too. This can be very useful for recursive
+classes like trees, here is a quick example:
+ pacakge Tree;
+ use Moose;
+ has 'node' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Any');
+ has 'children' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef',
+ default => sub { [] }
+ );
+ has 'parent' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Tree',
+ is_weak_ref => 1,
+ handles => {
+ parent_node => 'node',
+ siblings => 'children',
+ }
+ );
+In this example, the Tree package gets the C<parent_node> and C<siblings> methods
+which delegate to the C<node> and C<children> methods of the Tree instance stored
+in the parent slot.
+=item C<REGEXP>
+The regexp option works very similar to the ARRAY option, except that it builds
+the list of methods for you. It starts by collecting all possible methods of the
+class being delegated too, then filters that list using the regexp supplied here.
+B<NOTE:> An I<isa> option is required when using the regexp option format. This
+is so that we can determine (at compile time) the method list from the class.
+Without an I<isa> this is just not possible.
+=item C<CODE>
+This is the option to use when you
+It takes a code reference, which should expect two arguments. The first is
+the attribute meta-object this handles is attached too. The second is the metaclass
+of the class being delegated too. It expects you to return a