use Carp 'confess';
-our $VERSION = '0.07';
+our $VERSION = '0.08';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
use base 'Moose::Meta::Method',
my $self = $_[0];
my $attr = $self->associated_attribute;
- return '' unless $attr->is_lazy;
+ return '' unless $attr->is_lazy;
my $inv = '$_[0]';
my $slot_access = $self->_inline_access($inv, $attr->name);
my $slot_exists = $self->_inline_has($inv, $attr->name);
- if ($attr->has_type_constraint) {
- # NOTE:
- # this could probably be cleaned
- # up and streamlined a little more
- return 'unless (' . $slot_exists . ') {' .
- ' if ($attr->has_default || $attr->has_builder ) {' .
- ' my $default; '.
- ' $default = $attr->default(' . $inv . ') if $attr->has_default;' .
- ' if ( $attr->has_builder ) { '.
- ' if(my $builder = '.$inv.'->can($attr->builder)){ '.
- ' $default = '.$inv.'->$builder; '.
- ' } else { '.
- ' confess(Scalar::Util::blessed('.$inv.')." does not support builder method \'".$attr->builder."\' for attribute \'" . $attr->name . "\'");'.
- ' }'.
- ' }'.
- ($attr->should_coerce
- ? '$default = $attr->type_constraint->coerce($default);'
- : '') .
- ' (defined($type_constraint->($default)))' .
- ' || confess "Attribute (" . $attr->name . ") does not pass the type constraint ("' .
- ' . $attr->type_constraint->name . ") with " . (defined($default) ? (Scalar::Util::blessed($default) && overload::Overloaded($default) ? overload::StrVal($default) : $default) : "undef")' .
- ' if defined($default);' .
- ' ' . $slot_access . ' = $default; ' .
- ' }' .
- ' else {' .
- ' ' . $slot_access . ' = undef;' .
- ' }' .
- '}';
+ my $code = 'unless (' . $slot_exists . ') {' . "\n";
+ if ($attr->has_type_constraint) {
+ if($attr->has_default || $attr->has_builder){
+ if($attr->has_default){
+ $code .= ' my $default = $attr->default(' . $inv . ');'."\n";
+ } elsif($attr->has_builder){
+ $code .= ' my $default;'."\n".
+ ' if(my $builder = '.$inv.'->can($attr->builder)){ '."\n".
+ ' $default = '.$inv.'->$builder; '. "\n } else {\n" .
+ ' confess(Scalar::Util::blessed('.$inv.')." does not support builder method '.
+ '\'".$attr->builder."\' for attribute \'" . $attr->name . "\'");'. "\n }";
+ }
+ $code .= ' $default = $attr->type_constraint->coerce($default);'."\n" if $attr->should_coerce;
+ $code .= ' (defined($type_constraint->($default)))' .
+ ' || confess "Attribute (" . $attr->name . ") does not pass the type constraint ("' .
+ ' . $attr->type_constraint->name . ") with " . (defined($default) ? (Scalar::Util::blessed($default) && overload::Overloaded($default) ? overload::StrVal($default) : $default) : "undef")' .
+ ' if defined($default);' . "\n" .
+ ' ' . $slot_access . ' = $default; ' . "\n";
+ } else {
+ $code .= ' ' . $slot_access . " = undef; \n";
- return 'unless ( ' . $slot_exists . ') {' .
- ' if ($attr->has_default) { ' . $slot_access . ' = $attr->default(' . $inv . '); }' .
- ' elsif ($attr->has_builder) { '.
- ' if(my $builder = '.$inv.'->can($attr->builder)){ '.
- ' ' . $slot_access . ' = ' . $inv . '->$builder; '.
- ' } else { '.
- ' confess(Scalar::Util::blessed('.$inv.')." does not support builder method \'".$attr->builder."\' for attribute \'" . $attr->name . "\'");'.
- ' }'.
- ' } else { ' .$slot_access . ' = undef; } '.
- '}';
+ } else {
+ if($attr->has_default){
+ $code .= ' '.$slot_access.' = $attr->default(' . $inv . ');'."\n";
+ } elsif($attr->has_builder){
+ $code .= ' if(my $builder = '.$inv.'->can($attr->builder)){ '."\n".
+ ' '.$slot_access.' = '.$inv.'->$builder; '. "\n } else {\n" .
+ ' confess(Scalar::Util::blessed('.$inv.')." does not support builder method '.
+ '\'".$attr->builder."\' for attribute \'" . $attr->name . "\'");'. "\n }";
+ } else {
+ $code .= ' ' . $slot_access . " = undef; \n";
+ }
+ }
+ $code .= "}\n";
+ return $code;