- added the &applied_traits and &has_applied_traits methods
to allow introspection of traits
- added tests for this
+ - moved 'trait' and 'metaclass' argument handling to here from
+ Moose::Meta::Class
+ - clone_and_inherit_options now handles 'trait' and 'metaclass' (has
+ '+foo' syntax) (nothingmuch)
+ - added tests for this (t0m)
* Moose::Object
- localize $@ inside DEMOLISHALL to avoid it
* Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
- &find_type_constraint now DWIMs when given an
type constraint object or name (nothingmuch)
+ - &find_or_create_type_constraint superseded with a number of more
+ specific functions:
+ - find_or_create_{isa,does}_type_constraint
+ - find_or_parse_type_constraint
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
+ Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
- add the &parents method, which is just an alias to &parent.
- Useful for polymorphism with TC::Class (nothingmuch)
+ Useful for polymorphism with TC::{Class,Role,Union} (nothingmuch)
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class
- added the class attribute for introspection purposes
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Enum
- - broke these out into their own classes (nothingmuch)
+ - broke these out into their own classes (nothingmuch)
* Moose::Cookbook::Recipe*
- fixed references to test file locations in the POD
and updated up some text for new Moose features
- (Sartak)
+ (Sartak)
+ * Moose::Util
+ - Added &resolve_metaclass_alias, a helper function for finding an actual
+ class for a short name (e.g. in the traits list)
0.40 Fri. March 14, 2008
- I hate Pod::Coverage