return $conf;
- my $fh;
- my $file = ".".basename($0).".output";
- sub output_handle {
- return $fh if $fh;
- $fh = FileHandle->new(">$file")
- or warn "Could not open output file '$file': $!";
- $fh->autoflush(1);
- return $fh;
- }
- sub output_file { return $file }
- ### redirect output from msg() and error() output to file
- unless( $ENV{$Env} ) {
- print "# To run tests in verbose mode, set ".
- "\$ENV{$Env} = 1\n" unless $ENV{PERL_CORE};
- 1 while unlink $file; # just in case
- $CPANPLUS::Error::ERROR_FH = output_handle();
- $CPANPLUS::Error::MSG_FH =
- $CPANPLUS::Error::MSG_FH = output_handle();
- }
+# placeholder
### clean these files if we're under perl core
if ( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
- close output_handle(); 1 while unlink output_file();
_clean_test_dir( [