is( $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins',
'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person without a title' );
ok( !$person->has_title,
- 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly' );
+ 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns false)' );
- ok( $person->has_title, 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly' );
+ ok( $person->has_title, 'Person has_title predicate is working correctly (returns true)' );
+ Person->meta->make_mutable;
+ my $called = 0;
+ Person->meta->add_after_method_modifier( 'has_title' => sub { $called++ } );
is( $person->full_name, 'Bilbo Baggins (Ringbearer)',
'full_name() is correctly implemented for a Person with a title' );
+ ok( $called, 'full_name in person uses the predicate for the title attribute' );
ok( !$person->has_title, 'Person clear_title method cleared the title' );