sub predicate { $_[0]->{predicate} }
sub clearer { $_[0]->{clearer} }
sub handles { $_[0]->{handles} }
-sub weak_ref { $_[0]->{weak_ref} }
+sub is_weak_ref { $_[0]->{weak_ref} }
sub init_arg { $_[0]->{init_arg} }
sub type_constraint { $_[0]->{type_constraint} }
sub trigger { $_[0]->{trigger} }
$accessor .= '$self->{$key} = $_;';
- if ($attribute->weak_ref) {
- $accessor .= 'Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{$key});';
+ if ($attribute->is_weak_ref) {
+ $accessor .= 'Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{$key}) if ref($self->{$key});';
if ($trigger) {
=head2 has_handles -> Bool
-=head2 weak_ref -> Bool
+=head2 is_weak_ref -> Bool
=head2 init_arg -> Str
$instance->{$key} = $value;
- if $attribute->weak_ref;
+ if ref($instance->{$key}) && $attribute->is_weak_ref;
else {
$instance->{$key} = $args{$key};
- if $attribute->weak_ref;
+ if ref($instance->{$key}) && $attribute->is_weak_ref;
if ($attribute->has_trigger) {
$attribute->trigger->($instance, $args{$key}, $attribute);
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 18;
+use Test::More tests => 21;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util 'isweak';
is($destroyed{constructor}, 1, "destroyed from the constructor");
is($destroyed{middle}, 1, "casuality of war");
-ok(!Class->meta->get_attribute('type')->weak_ref, "type is not a weakref");
-ok(Class->meta->get_attribute('self')->weak_ref, "self IS a weakref");
+ok(!Class->meta->get_attribute('type')->is_weak_ref, "type is not a weakref");
+ok(Class->meta->get_attribute('self')->is_weak_ref, "self IS a weakref");
do {
package Class2;
use Mouse;
has value => (
- is => 'ro',
+ is => 'rw',
default => 10,
weak_ref => 1,
-throws_ok { Class2->new } qr/Can't weaken a nonreference/;
-ok(Class2->meta->get_attribute('value')->weak_ref, "value IS a weakref");
+ok(Class2->meta->get_attribute('value')->is_weak_ref, "value IS a weakref");
+lives_ok {
+ my $obj = Class2->new;
+ is($obj->value, 10, "weak_ref doesn't apply to non-refs");
+my $obj2 = Class2->new;
+lives_ok {
+ $obj2->value({});
+is_deeply($obj2->value, undef, "weakened the reference even with a nonref default");
do {
package Class3;
is($obj->hashref, undef, "hashref collected between set and get because refcount=0");
ok($obj->has_hashref, 'attribute is turned into undef, not deleted from instance');
-ok(Class3->meta->get_attribute('hashref')->weak_ref, "hashref IS a weakref");
+ok(Class3->meta->get_attribute('hashref')->is_weak_ref, "hashref IS a weakref");