use warnings;
use Test::More;
-use SQL::Abstract::Test import => ['is_same_sql_bind'];
+use SQL::Abstract::Test import => [qw/is_same_sql_bind is_same_bind/];
use SQL::Abstract;
-my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
my @data = (
user => 'nwiger',
-plan tests => scalar(@data);
+plan tests => (@data * 5 + 2);
-# Note to self: I have no idea what this does anymore
-# It looks like a cool fucking segment of code though!
-# I just wish I remembered writing it... :-\
+# test insert() and values() for reentrancy
+my($insert_hash, $insert_array, $numfields);
+my $a_sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
+my $h_sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
-my($sth, $stmt);
-my($laststmt, $numfields);
-for my $t (@data) {
- local $"=', ';
+for my $record (@data) {
- $stmt = $sql->insert('yo_table', $t);
- my @val = $sql->values($t);
- $numfields ||= @val;
+ my $values = [ map { $record->{$_} } sort keys %$record ];
- ok((! $laststmt || $stmt eq $laststmt) && @val == $numfields
- && equal(\@val, [map { $t->{$_} } sort keys %$t])) or
- print "got\n",
- "[$stmt] [@val]\n",
- "instead of\n",
- "[$t->{stmt}] [stuff]\n\n";
- $laststmt = $stmt;
+ my ($h_stmt, @h_bind) = $h_sql->insert('h_table', $record);
+ my ($a_stmt, @a_bind) = $a_sql->insert('a_table', $values );
+ # init from first run, should not change afterwards
+ $insert_hash ||= $h_stmt;
+ $insert_array ||= $a_stmt;
+ $numfields ||= @$values;
+ is ( $a_stmt, $insert_array, 'Array-based insert statement unchanged' );
+ is ( $h_stmt, $insert_hash, 'Hash-based insert statement unchanged' );
+ is_deeply ( \@a_bind, \@h_bind, 'Bind values match after both insert() calls' );
+ is_deeply ( [$h_sql->values ($record)] , \@h_bind, 'values() output matches bind values after insert()' );
-sub equal {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return 0 if @$a != @$b;
- for (my $i = 0; $i < $#{$a}; $i++) {
- next if (! defined($a->[$i])) && (! defined($b->[$i]));
- return 0 if $a->[$i] ne $b->[$i];
- }
- return 1;
+ is ( scalar @h_bind, $numfields, 'Number of fields unchanged' );
+# test values() with literal sql
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
+ my $data = { event => 'rapture', time => \ 'now()', func => \ 'somefunc(?)', stuff => 'fluff', };
+ my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert ('table', $data);
+ is_same_sql_bind (
+ $stmt,
+ \@bind,
+ 'INSERT INTO table ( event, func, stuff, time) VALUES ( ?, somefunc (?), ?, now() )',
+ [qw/rapture fluff/], # event < stuff
+ );
+ is_same_bind (
+ [$sql->values ($data)],
+ [\@bind],
+ 'values() output matches that of initial bind'
+ );