+++ /dev/null
-package Text::Tradition::Graph;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Graph::Easy;
-use IPC::Run qw( run binary );
-use Module::Load;
-use Text::Tradition::Graph::Position;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Text::Tradition::Graph;
- my $text = Text::Tradition::Graph->new( 'GraphML' => '/my/graphml/file.xml' );
- my $text = Text::Tradition::Graph->new( 'TEI' => '/my/tei/file.xml' );
- my $text = Text::Tradition::Graph->new( 'CSV' => '/my/csv/file.csv',
- 'base' => '/my/basefile.txt' );
- my $text = Text::Tradition::Graph->new( 'CTE' => '/my/cte/file.txt',
- 'base' => '/my/basefile.txt' );
- my $svg_string = $text->as_svg();
- my $lemma_nodes = $text->active_nodes();
- $text->toggle_node( 'some_word' );
-A text tradition is the representation of our knowledge of a text that
-has been passed down via manuscript copies from a time before printing
-presses. Each text has a number of witnesses, that is, manuscripts
-that bear a version of the text. The tradition is the aggregation of
-these witnesses, which is to say, the collation of the text.
-This module takes a text collation and represents it as a horizontal
-directed graph, suitable for SVG rendering and for analysis of various
-forms. Since this module was written by a medievalist, it also
-provides a facility for making a critical text reconstruction by
-choosing certain variants to be 'lemma' text - that is, text which
-should be considered the 'standard' reading.
-Although the graph is a very good way to render text collation, and is
-visually very easy for a human to interpret, it doesn't have any
-inherent information about which nodes 'go together' - that is, which
-text readings appear in the same place as other readings. This module
-therefore calculates 'positions' on the graph, thus holding some
-information about which readings can and can't be substituted for
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item B<new>
-Constructor. Takes a source collation file from which to construct
-the initial graph. This file can be TEI (parallel segmentation) XML,
-CSV in a format yet to be documented, GraphML as documented by the
-CollateX tool (L<http://gregor.middell.net/collatex/>), or a Classical
-Text Editor apparatus. For CSV and Classical Text Editor files, the
-user must also supply a base text to which the line numbering in the
-collation file refers.
-20/04/2011 Currently only CSV and GraphML are really supported.
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my $class = ref( $proto ) || $proto;
- my %opts = ( 'on_color' => 'yellow',
- 'off_color' => 'white',
- @_ );
- my $self = {};
- # opts can be: GraphML, base+CSV, base+CTE, TEI. We need
- # something to parse.
- my @formats = grep { /^(GraphML|CSV|CTE|TEI)$/ } keys( %opts );
- my $format = shift( @formats );
- unless( $format ) {
- warn "No data given to create a graph; will initialize an empty one";
- }
- if( $format =~ /^(CSV|CTE)$/ && !exists $opts{'base'} ) {
- warn "Cannot make a graph from $format without a base text";
- return;
- }
- # Make a graph object.
- my $collation_graph = Graph::Easy->new();
- $collation_graph->set_attribute( 'node', 'shape', 'ellipse' );
- # Starting point for all texts
- my $last_node = $collation_graph->add_node( '#START#' );
- $self->{'graph'} = $collation_graph;
- bless( $self, $class );
- # Now do the parsing.
- if( $format ) {
- my @args;
- if( $format =~ /^(CSV|CTE)$/ ) {
- @args = ( 'base' => $opts{'base'},
- 'data' => $opts{$format},
- 'format' => $format );
- $format = 'BaseText';
- } else {
- @args = ( $opts{ $format } );
- }
- my $mod = "Text::Tradition::Parser::$format";
- load( $mod );
- $mod->can('parse')->( $self, @args );
- }
- return $self;
-=item B<make_positions>
-$graph->make_positions( $common_nodes, $paths )
-Create an associated Graph::Positions object that records the position
-of each node in the graph. This method call is probably in the wrong
-place and will move.
-sub make_positions {
- my( $self, $common_nodes, $paths ) = @_;
- my $positions = Text::Tradition::Graph::Position->new( $common_nodes, $paths );
- $self->{'positions'} = $positions;
-=head2 Graph::Easy object accessor methods
-See the Graph::Easy documentation for descriptions of these functions.
-=item B<node>
-sub node {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->node( @_ );
-=item B<edge>
-sub edge {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->edge( @_ );
-=item B<add_node>
-# Not only adds the node, but also initializes internal data
-# about the node.
-sub add_node {
- my $self = shift;
- my $node = $self->{'graph'}->add_node( @_ );
- $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $node->name() } = [ $node->name() ];
- return $node;
-=item B<add_edge>
-sub add_edge {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->add_edge( @_ );
-=item B<del_node>
-sub del_node {
- my $self = shift;
- my $node = $_[0];
- # Delete this node out of any relevant transposition pool.
- if( ref $node eq 'Graph::Easy::Node' ) {
- $node = $node->name();
- }
- my @ident = $self->identical_nodes( $node );
- if( @ident ) {
- # Get the pool.
- my $pool = $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $ident[0] };
- foreach my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@$pool)-1 ) {
- if( $pool->[$i] eq $node ) {
- splice( @$pool, $i, 1 );
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- delete $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $node };
- # Now delete the node.
- return $self->{'graph'}->del_node( @_ );
-=item B<del_edge>
-sub del_edge {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->del_edge( @_ );
-=item B<nodes>
-sub nodes {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->nodes( @_ );
-=item B<edges>
-sub edges {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->edges( @_ );
-=item B<merge_nodes>
-sub merge_nodes {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'graph'}->merge_nodes( @_ );
-### Helper methods for navigating the tree
-=head2 Graph navigation methods
-=item B<start>
-my $node = $graph->start();
-Returns the beginning node of the graph.
-sub start {
- # Return the beginning node of the graph.
- my $self = shift;
- my( $new_start ) = @_;
- if( $new_start ) {
- # Fix the node transposition data
- delete $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $new_start->name() };
- $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{'#START#'} = [ '#START#' ];
- $self->{'graph'}->rename_node( $new_start, '#START#' );
- }
- return $self->{'graph'}->node('#START#');
-=item B<next_word>
-my $next_node = $graph->next_word( $node, $path );
-Returns the node that follows the given node along the given witness
-path. TODO These are badly named.
-sub next_word {
- # Return the successor via the corresponding edge.
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->_find_linked_word( 'next', @_ );
-=item B<prior_word>
-my $prior_node = $graph->prior_word( $node, $path );
-Returns the node that precedes the given node along the given witness
-path. TODO These are badly named.
-sub prior_word {
- # Return the predecessor via the corresponding edge.
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->_find_linked_word( 'prior', @_ );
-sub _find_linked_word {
- my( $self, $direction, $node, $edge ) = @_;
- $edge = 'base text' unless $edge;
- my @linked_edges = $direction eq 'next'
- ? $node->outgoing() : $node->incoming();
- return undef unless scalar( @linked_edges );
- # We have to find the linked edge that contains all of the
- # witnesses supplied in $edge.
- my @edge_wits = split( /, /, $edge );
- foreach my $le ( @linked_edges ) {
- my @le_wits = split( /, /, $le->name() );
- if( _is_within( \@edge_wits, \@le_wits ) ) {
- # This is the right edge.
- return $direction eq 'next' ? $le->to() : $le->from();
- }
- }
- warn "Could not find $direction node from " . $node->label
- . " along edge $edge";
- return undef;
-# Some set logic.
-sub _is_within {
- my( $set1, $set2 ) = @_;
- my $ret = 1;
- foreach my $el ( @$set1 ) {
- $ret = 0 unless grep { /^\Q$el\E$/ } @$set2;
- }
- return $ret;
-=item B<node_sequence>
-my @nodes = $graph->node_sequence( $first, $last, $path );
-Returns the ordered list of nodes, starting with $first and ending
-with $last, along the given witness path.
-sub node_sequence {
- my( $self, $start, $end, $witness, $backup ) = @_;
- unless( ref( $start ) eq 'Graph::Easy::Node'
- && ref( $end ) eq 'Graph::Easy::Node' ) {
- warn "Called node_sequence without two nodes!";
- return ();
- }
- $witness = 'base text' unless $witness;
- my @nodes = ( $start );
- my %seen;
- my $n = $start;
- while( $n ne $end ) {
- if( exists( $seen{$n->name()} ) ) {
- warn "Detected loop at " . $n->name();
- last;
- }
- $seen{$n->name()} = 1;
- my @edges = $n->outgoing();
- my @relevant_edges = grep { my @w = split( /, /, $_->label );
- grep { /^\Q$witness\E$/ } @w } @edges;
- unless( @relevant_edges ) {
- @relevant_edges = grep { my @w = split( /, /, $_->label );
- grep { /^\Q$backup\E$/ } @w } @edges
- if $backup;
- }
- unless( @relevant_edges ) {
- @relevant_edges = grep { $_->label() eq 'base text' } @edges;
- }
- warn "Did not find an edge for $witness from node " . $n->label
- unless scalar @relevant_edges;
- my $next = $relevant_edges[0]->to();
- push( @nodes, $next );
- $n = $next;
- }
- # Check that the last node is our end node.
- my $last = $nodes[$#nodes];
- warn "Last node found from " . $start->label() .
- " for witness $witness is not the end!"
- unless $last eq $end;
- return @nodes;
-=item B<string_lemma>
-my $text = $graph->string_lemma( $first, $last, $path );
-Returns the whitespace-separated text, starting with $first and ending
-with $last, represented in the graph along the given path.
-sub string_lemma {
- my( $self, $start, $end, $label ) = @_;
- my @nodes = $self->node_sequence( $start, $end, $label );
- my @words = map { $_->label() } @nodes;
- return join( ' ', @words );
-=head2 Transposition handling methods
-These should really move to their own module. For use when the graph
-has split transposed nodes in order to avoid edges that travel
-=item B<set_identical_node>
-$graph->set_identical_node( $node, $other_node )
-Tell the graph that these two nodes contain the same (transposed) reading.
-sub set_identical_node {
- my( $self, $node, $main_node ) = @_;
- # The identical_nodes hash contains a key per node, and a value
- # that is an arrayref to a list of nodes. Those nodes that are
- # the same (transposed) node should be keys that point to the same
- # arrayref. Each arrayref should contain the name of each node
- # that points to it. So basically here we want to merge the
- # arrays for the two nodes that are now identical. The 'main'
- # node should always be first in the array.
- my $pool = $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $node };
- my $main_pool = $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $main_node };
- my %poolhash;
- foreach ( @$main_pool ) {
- # Note which nodes are already in the main pool so that we
- # don't re-add them.
- $poolhash{$_} = 1;
- }
- foreach( @$pool ) {
- # Add the remaining nodes to the main pool...
- push( @$main_pool, $_ ) unless $poolhash{$_};
- }
- # ...and set this node to point to the enlarged pool.
- $self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $node } = $main_pool;
-=item B<identical_nodes>
-my @nodes = $graph->identical_nodes( $node )
-Get a list of nodes that contain the same (transposed) reading as the
-given node.
-sub identical_nodes {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- my @others = grep { $_ !~ /^$node$/ }
- @{$self->{'identical_nodes'}->{ $node }};
- return @others;
-=head2 Output method(s)
-=item B<as_svg>
-print $graph->as_svg( $recalculate );
-Returns an SVG string that represents the graph. Uses GraphViz to do
-this, because Graph::Easy doesn't cope well with long graphs. Unless
-$recalculate is passed (and is a true value), the method will return a
-cached copy of the SVG after the first call to the method.
-sub as_svg {
- my( $self, $recalc ) = @_;
- return $self->{'svg'} if( exists $self->{'svg'} && !$recalc );
- $self->{'graphviz'} = $self->{'graph'}->as_graphviz()
- unless( exists $self->{'graphviz'} && !$recalc );
- my @cmd = qw/dot -Tsvg/;
- my( $svg, $err );
- my $in = $self->{'graphviz'};
- run( \@cmd, \$in, ">", binary(), \$svg );
- $self->{'svg'} = $svg;
- return $svg;
-=item B<as_graphml>
-print $graph->as_graphml( $recalculate )
-Returns a GraphML representation of the collation graph, with
-transposition information and position information. Unless
-$recalculate is passed (and is a true value), the method will return a
-cached copy of the SVG after the first call to the method.
-sub as_graphml {
- my( $self, $recalc ) = @_;
- return $self->{'graphml'} if( exists $self->{'graphml'} && !$recalc );
- # Some namespaces
- my $graphml_ns = 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns';
- my $xsi_ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance';
- my $graphml_schema = 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns ' .
- 'http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/xmlns/1.0/graphml.xsd';
- # Create the document and root node
- my $graphml = XML::LibXML->createDocument( "1.0", "UTF-8" );
- my $root = $graphml->createElementNS( $graphml_ns, 'graphml' );
- $graphml->setDocumentElement( $root );
- $root->setNamespace( $xsi_ns, 'xsi', 0 );
- $root->setAttributeNS( $xsi_ns, 'schemaLocation', $graphml_schema );
- # Add the data keys for nodes
- my @node_data = ( 'name', 'token', 'identical', 'position' );
- foreach my $ndi ( 0 .. $#node_data ) {
- my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.name', $node_data[$ndi] );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', 'string' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'node' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'id', 'd'.$ndi );
- }
- # Add the data keys for edges
- my %wit_hash;
- my $wit_ctr = 0;
- foreach my $wit ( $self->getWitnessList ) {
- my $wit_key = 'w' . $wit_ctr++;
- $wit_hash{$wit} = $wit_key;
- my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.name', $wit );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', 'string' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'for', 'edge' );
- $key->setAttribute( 'id', $wit_key );
- }
- # Add the graph, its nodes, and its edges
- my $graph = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'graph' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'edgedefault', 'directed' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'id', 'g0' ); # TODO make this meaningful
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.edgeids', 'canonical' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.edges', $self->edges() );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', $self->nodes() );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
- my $node_ctr = 0;
- my %node_hash;
- foreach my $n ( $self->nodes() ) {
- my %this_node_data = ();
- foreach my $ndi ( 0 .. $#node_data ) {
- my $value;
- $this_node_data{'d'.$ndi} = $n->name if $node_data[$ndi] eq 'name';
- $this_node_data{'d'.$ndi} = $n->label
- if $node_data[$ndi] eq 'token';
- $this_node_data{'d'.$ndi} = $self->primary_node( $n )
- if $node_data[$ndi] eq 'name';
- $this_node_data{'d'.$ndi} =
- $self->{'positions'}->node_position( $n )
- if $node_data[$ndi] eq 'position';
- }
- my $node_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
- my $node_xmlid = 'n' . $node_ctr++;
- $node_hash{ $n->name } = $node_xmlid;
- $node_el->setAttribute( 'id', $node_xmlid );
- foreach my $dk ( keys %this_node_data ) {
- my $d_el = $node_el->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'data' );
- $d_el->setAttribute( 'key', $dk );
- $d_el->appendTextChild( $this_node_data{$dk} );
- }
- }
- foreach my $e ( $self->edges() ) {
- my( $name, $from, $to ) = ( $e->name,
- $node_hash{ $e->from()->name() },
- $node_hash{ $e->to()->name() } );
- my $edge_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
- $edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $from );
- $edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $to );
- $edge_el->setAttribute( 'id', $name );
- # TODO Got to add the witnesses
- }
- # Return the thing
- $self->{'graphml'} = $graphml;
- return $graphml;
-=head2 Lemmatization methods
-=item B<init_lemmatizer>
-sub init_lemmatizer {
- my $self = shift;
- # Initialize the 'lemma' hash, going through all the nodes and seeing
- # which ones are common nodes. This should only be run once.
- return if( $self->{'lemmatizer_initialized'} );
- my @active_names = map { $_->name } grep { $self->is_common( $_ ) }
- $self->nodes();
- $self->{'positions'}->init_lemmatizer( @active_names );
- $self->{'lemmatizer_initialized'} = 1;
-=item B<toggle_node>
-my @nodes_turned_off = $graph->toggle_node( $node );
-Takes a node name, and either lemmatizes or de-lemmatizes it. Returns
-a list of all nodes that are de-lemmatized as a result of the toggle.
-sub toggle_node {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- # In case this is being called for the first time.
- $self->init_lemmatizer();
- if( !$node || $self->is_common( $node ) ) {
- # Do nothing, it's a common node.
- return;
- }
- my $pos = $self->{'positions'}->node_position( $node );
- my $old_state = $self->{'positions'}->state( $pos );
- my @nodes_off;
- if( $old_state && $old_state eq $node ) {
- # Turn off the node. We turn on no others by default.
- push( @nodes_off, $node );
- } else {
- # Turn on the node.
- $self->{'positions'}->set_state( $pos, $node );
- # Any other 'on' nodes in the same position should be off.
- push( @nodes_off, $self->colocated_nodes( $node ) );
- # Any node that is an identical transposed one should be off.
- push( @nodes_off, $self->identical_nodes( $node ) )
- if $self->identical_nodes( $node );
- }
- @nodes_off = unique_list( @nodes_off );
- # Turn off the nodes that need to be turned off.
- my @nodes_turned_off;
- foreach my $n ( @nodes_off ) {
- my $npos = $self->{'positions'}->node_position( $n );
- my $state = $self->{'positions'}->state( $npos );
- if( $state && $state eq $n ) {
- # this node is still on
- push( @nodes_turned_off, $n );
- my $new_state = undef;
- if( $n eq $node ) {
- # This is the node that was clicked, so if there are no
- # other nodes there, turn off the position. In all other
- # cases, restore the ellipsis.
- my @all_n = $self->{'positions'}->nodes_at_position( $pos );
- $new_state = 0 if scalar( @all_n ) == 1;
- }
- $self->{'positions'}->set_state( $npos, $new_state );
- } elsif( $old_state && $old_state eq $n ) {
- # another node has already been turned on here
- push( @nodes_turned_off, $n );
- } # else some other node was on anyway, so pass.
- }
- return @nodes_turned_off;
-=item B<active_nodes>
-my @state = $graph->active_nodes( @nodes_turned_off );
-Takes a list of nodes that have just been turned off, and returns a
-set of tuples of the form ['node', 'state'] that indicates what
-changes need to be made to the graph.
-=item *
-A state of 1 means 'turn on this node'
-=item *
-A state of 0 means 'turn off this node'
-=item *
-A state of undef means 'an ellipsis belongs in the text here because
-no decision has been made'
-sub active_nodes {
- my( $self, @toggled_off_nodes ) = @_;
- # In case this is the first run
- $self->init_lemmatizer();
- # First get the positions of those nodes which have been
- # toggled off.
- my $positions_off = {};
- map { $positions_off->{ $self->{'positions'}->node_position( $_ ) } = $_ }
- @toggled_off_nodes;
- # Now for each position, we have to see if a node is on, and we
- # have to see if a node has been turned off.
- my @answer;
- foreach my $pos ( $self->{'positions'}->all() ) {
- # Find the state of this position. If there is an active node,
- # its name will be the state; otherwise the state will be 0
- # (nothing at this position) or undef (ellipsis at this position)
- my $active = $self->{'positions'}->state( $pos );
- # Is there a formerly active node that was toggled off?
- if( exists( $positions_off->{$pos} ) ) {
- my $off_node = $positions_off->{$pos};
- if( $active && $active ne $off_node) {
- push( @answer, [ $off_node, 0 ], [ $active, 1 ] );
- } else {
- push( @answer, [ $off_node, $active ] );
- }
- # No formerly active node, so we just see if there is a currently
- # active one.
- } elsif( $active ) {
- # Push the active node, whatever it is.
- push( @answer, [ $active, 1 ] );
- } else {
- # Push the state that is there. Arbitrarily use the first node
- # at that position.
- my @pos_nodes = $self->{'positions'}->nodes_at_position( $pos );
- push( @answer,
- [ $pos_nodes[0], $self->{'positions'}->state( $pos ) ] );
- }
- }
- return @answer;
-# A couple of helpers.
-sub is_common {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- $node = $self->_nodeobj( $node );
- return $node->get_attribute('class') eq 'common';
-sub _nodeobj {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- unless( ref $node eq 'Graph::Easy::Node' ) {
- $node = $self->node( $node );
- }
- return $node;
-sub colocated_nodes {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->{'positions'}->colocated_nodes( @_ );
-sub text_of_node {
- my( $self, $node_id ) = @_;
- # This is the label of the given node.
- return $self->node( $node_id )->label();
-sub text_for_witness {
- my( $self, $wit ) = @_;
- my @nodes = $self->{'positions'}->witness_path( $wit );
- my @words = map { $self->node( $_ )->label() } @nodes;
- return join( ' ', @words );
-sub unique_list {
- my( @list ) = @_;
- my %h;
- map { $h{$_} = 1 } @list;
- return keys( %h );
-=head1 LICENSE
-This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
-or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Tara L Andrews, aurum@cpan.org
+++ /dev/null
-package Text::Tradition::Graph::Position;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-=head1 NAME
-=head1 SUMMARY
-An object to go with a text graph that keeps track of relative
-positions of the nodes on that graph. This is useful for keeping
-track of which readings are variants of each other, which is expensive
-to calculate every time from the graph itself.
-=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item B<new>
-Takes two arguments: a list of names of common nodes in the graph, and
-a list of witness paths. Calculates position identifiers for each
-node based on this.
-# TODO Why not just hand over the graph and calculate the common nodes
-# and witness paths here?
-sub new {
- my $proto = shift;
- my( $common_nodes, $witness_paths ) = @_;
- my $self = {};
- # We have to calculate the position identifiers for each word,
- # keyed on the common nodes. This will be 'fun'. The end result
- # is a hash per witness, whose key is the word node and whose
- # value is its position in the text. Common nodes are always N,1
- # so have identical positions in each text.
- my $node_pos = {};
- foreach my $wit ( keys %$witness_paths ) {
- # First we walk each path, making a matrix for each witness that
- # corresponds to its eventual position identifier. Common nodes
- # always start a new row, and are thus always in the first column.
- my $wit_matrix = [];
- my $cn = 0; # We should hit the common nodes in order.
- my $row = [];
- foreach my $wn ( @{$witness_paths->{$wit}} ) { # $wn is a node name
- if( $wn eq $common_nodes->[$cn] ) {
- # Set up to look for the next common node, and
- # start a new row of words.
- $cn++;
- push( @$wit_matrix, $row ) if scalar( @$row );
- $row = [];
- }
- push( @$row, $wn );
- }
- push( @$wit_matrix, $row ); # Push the last row onto the matrix
- # Now we have a matrix per witness, so that each row in the
- # matrix begins with a common node, and continues with all the
- # variant words that appear in the witness. We turn this into
- # real positions in row,cell format. But we need some
- # trickery in order to make sure that each node gets assigned
- # to only one position.
- foreach my $li ( 1..scalar(@$wit_matrix) ) {
- foreach my $di ( 1..scalar(@{$wit_matrix->[$li-1]}) ) {
- my $node = $wit_matrix->[$li-1]->[$di-1];
- my $position = "$li,$di";
- # If we have seen this node before, we need to compare
- # its position with what went before.
- unless( exists $node_pos->{ $node } &&
- _cmp_position( $position, $node_pos->{ $node }) < 1 ) {
- # The new position ID replaces the old one.
- $node_pos->{$node} = $position;
- } # otherwise, the old position needs to stay.
- }
- }
- }
- # Now we have a hash of node positions keyed on node.
- $self->{'node_positions'} = $node_pos;
- # We should also save our witness paths, as long as we have them.
- # Right now each path is a list of nodes; we may want to make it
- # a list of position refs.
- $self->{'witness_paths'} = $witness_paths;
- # We are also going to want to keep track of whether a position has
- # been explicitly emptied, for our lemmatization.
- my $position_state = {};
- map { $position_state->{ $_ } = undef } values %$node_pos;
- $self->{'position_state'} = $position_state;
- bless( $self, $proto );
- return $self;
-=item B<node_position>
-my $pos = $positions->node_position( $node );
-Returns the position identifier for a given node in the graph.
-sub node_position {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- $node = _name( $node );
- unless( exists( $self->{'node_positions'}->{ $node } ) ) {
- warn "No node with name $node known to the graph";
- return;
- }
- return $self->{'node_positions'}->{ $node };
-=item B<nodes_at_position>
-my @nodes = $positions->nodes_at_position( $pos );
-Returns the names of all the nodes in the graph at a given position.
-sub nodes_at_position {
- my( $self, $pos ) = @_;
- my $positions = $self->_calc_positions();
- unless( exists $positions->{ $pos } ) {
- warn "No position $pos in the graph";
- return;
- }
- return @{ $positions->{ $pos }};
-=item B<colocated_nodes>
-my @nodes = $positions->colocated_nodes( $node );
-Returns the names of all the nodes in the graph at the same position
-as the node given, apart from that node itself.
-sub colocated_nodes {
- my( $self, $node ) = @_;
- $node = _name( $node );
- my $pos = $self->node_position( $node );
- my @loc_nodes = $self->nodes_at_position( $pos );
- my @cn = grep { $_ !~ /^$node$/ } @loc_nodes;
- return @cn;
-=item B<all>
-my @position_list = $positions->all()
-Returns an ordered list of positions in the graph.
-sub all {
- my( $self ) = @_;
- my $pos = $self->_calc_positions;
- return sort by_position keys( %$pos );
-sub witness_path {
- my( $self, $wit ) = @_;
- return @{$self->{'witness_paths'}->{ $wit }};
-=head2 Lemmatization functions
-For some traditions, each position will have at least one node that is
-the 'lemma text', that is, the text that an editor has chosen to stand
-as authoritative for the tradition. The following methods keep
-track of what lemma, if any, should stand at each position.
-=item B<init_lemmatizer>
-$positions->init_lemmatizer( @nodelist )
-Sets up the necessary logic for keeping track of lemmas. It should be
-called once, with the initial list of lemmas.
-# TODO We can initialize this without the argument, based on the passed
-# list of common nodes.
-sub init_lemmatizer {
- my( $self, @nodes ) = @_;
- foreach my $n ( @nodes ) {
- $self->set_state( $self->node_position( $n ), $n );
- }
-=item B<state>
-my $answer = $positions->state( $position_id )
-For the given position ID, returns the node (if any) that stands at
-the lemma. If no node should stand as lemma at this position, returns
-0; if no decision has been made for this position, returns undef.
-sub state {
- my( $self, $pos ) = @_;
- return $self->{'position_state'}->{ $pos };
-=item B<set_state>
-$positions->set_state( $position_id, $state )
-For the given position ID, sets the lemma (if any). State can be the
-name of a node, 0 (for cases when no lemma should stand), or undef
-(for cases when no decision has been made).
-sub set_state {
- my( $self, $pos, $state ) = @_;
- $self->{'position_state'}->{ $pos } = $state;
-=head2 Comparison function
-=item B<by_position>
-my @nodelist = sort $positions->by_position @nodelist;
-For use in the 'sort' function. Returns a comparison value based on
-the position of the given nodes.
-# Compares two nodes according to their positions in the witness
-# index hash.
-sub by_position {
- my $self = shift;
- return _cmp_position( $a, $b );
-# Takes two position strings (X,Y) and sorts them.
-sub _cmp_position {
- my( $a, $b ) = @_;
- my @pos_a = split(/,/, $a );
- my @pos_b = split(/,/, $b );
- my $big_cmp = $pos_a[0] <=> $pos_b[0];
- return $big_cmp if $big_cmp;
- # else
- return $pos_a[1] <=> $pos_b[1];
-# At some point I may find myself using scalar references for the node
-# positions, in order to keep them easily in sync. Just in case, I will
-# calculate this every time I need it.
-sub _calc_positions {
- my $self = shift;
- return _invert_hash( $self->{'node_positions'} )
-# Helper for dealing with node refs
-sub _name {
- my( $node ) = @_;
- # We work with node names in this library
- if( ref( $node ) && ref( $node ) eq 'Graph::Easy::Node' ) {
- $node = $node->name();
- }
- return $node;
-# Useful helper. Will be especially useful if I find myself using
-# scalar references for the positions after all - it can dereference
-# them here.
-sub _invert_hash {
- my ( $hash, $plaintext_keys ) = @_;
- my %new_hash;
- foreach my $key ( keys %$hash ) {
- my $val = $hash->{$key};
- my $valkey = $val;
- if( $plaintext_keys
- && ref( $val ) ) {
- $valkey = $plaintext_keys->{ scalar( $val ) };
- warn( "No plaintext value given for $val" ) unless $valkey;
- }
- if( exists ( $new_hash{$valkey} ) ) {
- push( @{$new_hash{$valkey}}, $key );
- } else {
- $new_hash{$valkey} = [ $key ];
- }
- }
- return \%new_hash;
-=head1 LICENSE
-This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
-or implied warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Tara L Andrews, aurum@cpan.org