--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Data::Collection::Set::Wrapper::Inflate;
+use strictures 1;
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ bless({ %{$_[0]} }, ref($proto)||$proto);
+sub _inflator { shift->{inflator} }
+sub _inner { shift->{inner} }
+sub flatten {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ map $self->_inflator->inflate($_), $self->_inner->flatten;
+sub to_stream {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $inflator = $self->_inflator;
+ DBIx::Data::Stream::Mapped->new({
+ inner => $self->_inner->to_stream,
+ mapper => sub { $inflator->inflate($_) }
+ });
+sub clear { shift->_inner->clear }
+sub get {
+ my ($self, $spec) = @_;
+ my $inflator = $self->_inflator;
+ $inflator->inflate(
+ $self->_inner->get(
+ $inflator->deflate_spec($spec)
+ )
+ );
+sub replace {
+ my ($self, $spec, $body) = @_;
+ my $inflator = $self->_inflator;
+ $self->_inner->replace(
+ $inflator->deflate_spec($spec),
+ $inflator->deflate_body($body),
+ );
+sub add {
+ my ($self, $body) = @_;
+ my $inflator = $self->_inflator;
+ $inflator->inflate(
+ $self->_inner->add(
+ $inflator->deflate_body($body)
+ )
+ );
+sub remove {
+ my ($self, $spec) = @_;
+ $self->_inner->remove($self->_inflator->deflate_spec($spec));
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Data::Store::Inflator::Simple;
+use strictures 1;
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ bless({ %{$_[0]} }, ref($proto)||$proto);
+sub _class { shift->{class} }
+sub _spec_columns { shift->{spec_columns} }
+sub _body_columns { shift->{body_columns} }
+sub _all_columns { shift->{all_columns} }
+sub inflate {
+ my ($self, $raw) = @_;
+ my %new; @new{@{$self->_all_columns}} = @$raw;
+ bless(\%new, $self->_class);
+sub deflate_spec {
+ my ($self, $spec) = @_;
+ [ @{$spec}{@{$self->_spec_columns}} ];
+sub deflate_body {
+ my ($self, $spec) = @_;
+ [ @{$spec}{@{$self->_body_columns}} ];
--- /dev/null
+package DBIx::Data::Stream::Mapped;
+use strictures 1;
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ bless({ %{$_[0]} }, ref($proto)||$proto);
+sub _inner { shift->{inner} }
+sub _clear_inner { delete shift->{inner} }
+sub _mapper { shift->{mapper} }
+sub next {
+ return unless my $inner = (my $self = shift)->_inner;
+ # If we were aiming for a "true" perl-like map then we should
+ # elegantly handle the case where the map function returns 0 events
+ # and the case where it returns >1 - if you're reading this comment
+ # because you wanted it to do that, now would be the time to fix it :)
+ my $mapper = $self->_mapper;
+ if (my ($next) = $inner->next) {
+ local $_ = $next;
+ return $mapper->($next);
+ }
+ $self->_clear_inner;
+ return
insert_one => sub {
my ($store, undef, $dbh, $args) = @_;
$store->_sth_for($dbh, 'INSERT INTO names (name) VALUES (?)', $args);
- [ $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,undef,undef) ];
+ [ $dbh->last_insert_id(undef,undef,undef,undef), @$args ];
update_one => 'UPDATE names SET name = ? WHERE id = ?',
delete_one => 'DELETE FROM names WHERE id = ?',
+sub run_tests {
+ setup_db;
-my $store = make_store;
+ my $store = make_store;
-is_deeply([$store->flatten], [], 'Empty set');
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [], 'Empty set');
-is_deeply($store->add(['Bob']), [1], 'Add record');
+ is_deeply($store->add(['Bob']), [1,'Bob'], 'Add record');
-is_deeply([$store->flatten], [[1,'Bob']], 'One member');
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [[1,'Bob']], 'One member');
-is_deeply($store->get([1]), [1,'Bob'], 'Retrieve by key');
+ is_deeply($store->get([1]), [1,'Bob'], 'Retrieve by key');
+ $store->replace([1],['Robert']);
-is_deeply([$store->flatten], [[1,'Robert']], 'Name changed (all)');
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [[1,'Robert']], 'Name changed (all)');
-is_deeply($store->get([1]), [1,'Robert'], 'Retrieve by key');
+ is_deeply($store->get([1]), [1,'Robert'], 'Retrieve by key');
-$store->add([$_]) for qw(Joe James Jim);
+ $store->add([$_]) for qw(Joe James Jim);
-my $flatsort = sub {
- [ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } $store->flatten ]
+ my $flatsort = sub {
+ [ sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } $store->flatten ]
+ };
-is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
- [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[3,'James'],[4,'Jim']
-], 'Four members');
+ is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
+ [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[3,'James'],[4,'Jim']
+ ], 'Four members');
-is_deeply($store->get([3]),[3,'James'], 'Retrieve by key');
+ is_deeply($store->get([3]),[3,'James'], 'Retrieve by key');
+ $store->remove([3]);
-is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
- [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[4,'Jim']
-], 'Three members left');
+ is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
+ [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[4,'Jim']
+ ], 'Three members left');
+ done_testing;
+run_tests unless caller;
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More;
+use DBIx::Data::Store::Inflator::Simple;
+use DBIx::Data::Collection::Set::Wrapper::Inflate;
+BEGIN { require 't/crud.t' }
+{ package My::Name; sub id { shift->{id} } sub name { shift->{name} } }
+sub mkobj { bless({ id => $_[0][0], name => $_[0][1] }, 'My::Name') }
+sub run_tests_crud_wrapped {
+ setup_db;
+ my $unwrapped = make_store;
+ my $store = DBIx::Data::Collection::Set::Wrapper::Inflate->new({
+ inner => $unwrapped,
+ inflator => DBIx::Data::Store::Inflator::Simple->new({
+ spec_columns => [ 'id' ], body_columns => [ 'name' ],
+ all_columns => [ 'id', 'name' ], class => 'My::Name'
+ })
+ });
+ my $bob = mkobj([1,'Bob']);
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [], 'Empty set');
+ is_deeply($store->add({ name => 'Bob' }), $bob, 'Add record');
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [$bob], 'One member');
+ is_deeply($store->get({ id => 1 }), $bob, 'Retrieve by key');
+ $bob = mkobj([1,'Robert']);
+ $store->replace($bob,$bob);
+ is_deeply([$store->flatten], [$bob], 'Name changed (all)');
+ is_deeply($store->get({ id => 1 }), $bob, 'Retrieve by key');
+ $store->add({ name => $_ }) for qw(Joe James Jim);
+ my $flatsort = sub {
+ [ sort { $a->id <=> $b->id } $store->flatten ]
+ };
+ is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
+ map mkobj($_), [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[3,'James'],[4,'Jim']
+ ], 'Four members');
+ my $james = mkobj([3,'James']);
+ is_deeply($store->get({ id => 3 }), $james, 'Retrieve by key');
+ $store->remove($james);
+ is_deeply($flatsort->(), [
+ map mkobj($_), [1,'Robert'],[2,'Joe'],[4,'Jim']
+ ], 'Three members left');
+ done_testing;
+run_tests_crud_wrapped unless caller;